Chapter 14: "Uh oh! Mom and dad are fighting!"

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Hello everyone! I'm back for another chapter of Sweetheart! Hope you enjoy!

Guys I start school again next week and I don't think I'm ready. Help.


Everybody had been talking about Julie and the Phantoms since they played that fateful day. Only, Julie was only thinking about Flynn. She had gone looking for her right after the boys left, but there was no luck. Today, Julie was (hopefully) bound to find her at school.

Today, there was luck. Flynn was the first face Julie saw when she walked into school. Only, Flynn didn't seem excited to see her. Instead, she rolled her eyes as soon as Julie looked at her. Julie walked straight up to Flynn and decided that she wasn't about to take 'no' for an answer.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about the band."

Flynn looked at her, and then looked away to continue putting her books in her locker.

Julie looked at the ground. Great. She had lost her best friend over something stupid. Just then, an idea popped into her head. She could write Flynn a song!

"Hey, just come over to my house after school, okay?" She said.

Flynn sighed, but eventually turned her gaze towards Julie and spoke to her for the first time in a couple days.

"Okay. I'll be there at 3:30 sharp," She explained, "I don't expect anything less than the best for my apology."

With that, she grabbed her backpack, turned, and walked away. Julie didn't care. This was a win in her book. Now she just needed to figure out a song between now and 3:30. Julie pulled out her phone and made a group chat with Luke, Alex, and Reggie.

Julie: My house after school. Anybody have any song ideas?

Within seconds, she had answers.

Luke: We'll be there. What about the one you wrote a while ago called Flying Solo?

Alex: Thanks for signing us up to go to Julie's, Luke. Wanna tell us why?

Reggie: Ooo! Can I hang out with your dad? He's awesome!

Julie: Luke, how do you know about Flying Solo?

Julie had to admit, she'd forgotten about that poem she'd written about Flynn when she was helping with all her mom stuff, but that didn't explain how Luke knew about it. It was tucked away secretly in her...


Luke: I may or may not have "forgotten" my jacket in your room. I went to go get it and when I was there, my hand just kinda slipped into your dream box.

Julie: Boundaries! Don't look in there again!

Reggie: Uh Oh! Mom and dad are fighting!

Alex: Ok... Reg, as much as I love you calling them mom and dad, I think they need to argue in peace for min

Julie was so upset she couldn't even look at her phone anymore. She shut it off and shoved it into her pocket just in time for the bell to ring. She walked to class with probably the most angry look on her face when she was stopped by Nick. Of all people, it had to be Nick to stop her in the hallway.

"Hey, Julie, I was wondering if-"

"Sorry, Nick, not in the mood to chat right now."

Julie kept walking. She didn't stop until she was in her class and sat down in her seat. That's when she felt her phone vibrate in her back pocket like three times. She unlocked her phone to see some texts from Luke.

Luke: Julie, I'm sorry but you had to expect I'd look somewhere I wasn't supposed to.

Luke: Please stop ignoring me and talk to me

Luke: Okay fine! I won't look in your dream box again, but will you tell me why you need a song so badly?

Julie rolled her eyes before responding.

Julie: Flynn won't talk to me still and I wanted to surprise her with a song. She said she'd be over about 3:30

Luke: Well, lucky for you, I have already written some amazing chords to Flying Solo. We could practice a bit after school if you want?

Julie was smiling. Of course Luke would jump at the opportunity to help her. He was like that. Especially when the help included music. Julie was just about to answer back when someone was calling her name.

"Julie Molina!"


Who do you think called her name?

Don't forget to comment and vote! It really helps me out :)

See ya next week!

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