Chapter 51: "We did it!"

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Happy Sunday! Here's your first chapter for today. Much like yesterday, both chapters are going to be out at the same time. 



Julie started playing the chords on the piano, hoping against hope that she could actually perform and not throw up or run off the stage. Her fingers were shaking, but she still was able to play the keyboard.

Don't blink

No, I don't wanna miss it

One thing, and it's back to the beginning

'Cause everything is rushing in fast

Keep going on, never look back

Julie had to admit, it probably looked really weird from the audience. There were drums and guitars on stage, but no one was there to play them. So, Julie tried her best to fill the empty space with her voice.

And it's one, two, three, four times

That I'll try for one more night

Light a fire in my eyes

I'm going out of my mind

Julie was doing it, she was actually singing. She could do it, and her mom knew that too. Julie thought back to all the times it seemed like her mom was right there next to her, helping her along, and telling her she could do things that she never thought she could. I mean, look at her, Julie was playing the Orpheum.

Whatever happens

Even if I'm the last standing

Imma stand tall

Imma stand tall

Whatever happens

Even when everything's down

Imma stand tall

Imma stand tall

I gotta keep on dreaming

'Cause I gotta catch that feeling

Whatever happens

Even if I'm the last standing

Imma stand tall

Imma stand tall

Suddenly, Alex was now playing the drums behind Julie. She didn't know when it happened because she was preoccupied with trying not to cry on stage, but she was glad he was here. Then, Reggie came out to play his bass. No sign of Luke though. Julie's eyes gravitated towards backstage on the opposite side, she saw two shadows arguing. One she could identify as Luke. Her Luke. He didn't break his promise after all, but why is he not coming on stage? Julie kept singing louder and louder hoping maybe he'd show up. And he did. Just in time for his solo part.

I'm going out of my mind

Then, Julie left her keyboard and gravitated towards him. They sang together in perfect harmony.

Whatever happens

Even if I'm the last standing

I'ma stand tall

I'ma stand tall

Like I'm glowing in the dark

I keep on going when it's all falling apart

Yeah I know it with all my heart

Ooh, ooh

Never look back

Things were just as they always were. Luke and Julie sharing a mic, all of them rocking out and winning the crowd over. Alex and Reggie even had solos in this song, and they sure sounded good. Julie made a mental note in the back of her head to put them in the spotlight more often.

Whatever happens

Even if I'm the last standing

I'ma stand tall

I'ma stand tall

They held their last note as the crowd cheered. 

Luke looked to Julie, and vice versa. "We did it!" he mouthed to her. They were so high on adrenaline that they weren't thinking straight. Or, maybe they were. Either way, their lips locked in front of all of the audience and all of their friends that they were trying to hide it from. Julie would say that sparks flew, but that would be cheesy, so you didn't hear that from her. The crowd oohed and ahhed as they shared a passionate kiss onstage, and when they pulled away the crowd cheered even more than before. Julie started blushing as she realized that she just kissed her boyfriend in front of her dad and a bunch of random strangers since she wasn't normally one to display PDA, but when she looked at Luke, he seemed happier than ever.

Together, the band bowed and finished their performance.

What a night it had been.


My computer died when I went to upload lol. Here it is, almost late.

Also, what a moment for Juke. I would die of embarrassment, but then again, I've never had my first kiss so I don't know what it's like. Okay, enough about my life. 

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