Chapter 49: "I promise."

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I'm sorry i forgot to publish today haha. I'm a little New Years hungover. (not in a bad way just meaning I'm socially drained and needed the day to be alone.)

Anyway, Happy New Year to everyone! Hopefully 2022 will bring you luck :)



Before they left for the Orpheum, Luke called a band meeting in the garage.

"Julie and I were thinking we start with Stand Tall," Luke started to explain while looking at each of them, his gaze lasting on Julie a little longer than the others. "Okay, how we all feeling for tonight?"

"We're good," Reggie said, Alex agreeing with him.

"Good? I wanna hear that you feel awesome! This is our chance to play the Orpheum. I can't even count how many bands have played there and then ended up being huge! This is our chance," Luke said in pep-talk style.

They both nodded, seeming to get a little more excited.

"Actually guys, I'm a little nervous," Julie said, answering Luke's earlier question.

"Julie, you don't have to be nervous. Just think of it like any normal performance," Alex said, comforting her.

"Thanks," She replied. It was silent for a minute before Julie spoke up again, "Luke, can I talk to you for a second?"

Luke looked at his friends before answering, "Yeah," he said as he followed her to the edge of the garage. They faced one another and stared into each other's eyes for a moment. "What?" Luke asked, ready to listen.

"Promise me something?" She asked.

"Anything, Julie, you know that."

"You have to promise me that you'll be there. No matter what. I don't want a repeat of the night of the dance. This is a chance for me to prove to my mom that I can do this without her, but I can't do it without you."

"I promise. I promise with my whole heart. You can do this, Julie," He said, hopefully giving her the words of encouragement that she needed. "Band circle?" He asked, wanting her approval.

She nodded.

"Guys, band circle," He announced a little louder. The band circled up, held hands, and Luke took the lead in speaking. "We know what brought us here. Julie. You've helped this band come farther than it was going, and for that we thank you. We wouldn't be playing the Orpheum tonight if it wasn't for you. You're a star, Julie," she smiled at the ground. "Now let's go rock this show, give 'em a night that they'll be talking about 'til the sun comes up," Everybody laughed. "Legends on three," Luke finally said, putting his hand in the middle of the circle.

As they counted to three, one member of the band each put their hand in the middle of the circle, then, together they called "Legends!"

Just then, Julie's dad honked the horn of his car, signaling for her to leave. "That's my dad. He's driving me there, so I'll see you soon."

As she walked out of the garage, Julie looked each one of the guys in the face, but she gave Luke a look that was only for him. A look that said, "Promise."

The guys all watched her walk out before they decided to leave too. They were taking Alex's car with a trailer on it to carry and bring the instruments.

They met Julie at the Orpheum, and left the room so she could change. While they were walking around, grabbing snacks from the snack tables, and quite possibly goofing around, (But don't tell Julie) They came face to face with someone that Luke had honestly forgotten about in all the hysteria of his life recently.

"Hello, Boys," Caleb said, dressed in his classic purple.

"What are you doing here?" Luke asked in an angry voice. He had had enough of this Caleb guy ruining his performances with Julie.

"Such hostility," Caleb said. "I'm just here to congratulate you on your big night," He paused. "Well, and offer you a deal." Caleb stepped forward, so The guys stepped back.

"We told you, we already have a band." Caleb stepped forwards again, so the guys stepped back again.

"I know, I know. I just thought I'd give you one last chance," Caleb stepped forward one final time, and Luke tripped over Alex who tripped over Reggie... into a closet. Caleb quickly shut the door, and his voice could be heard from the inside. "If I can't have you in my band, no one can!" Then, it was quiet.

Luke and his friends tried the door. Locked. Luke tried more than the others, but that's because he had a promise that he had to fulfill.

A promise that he just might break.


Oh no! Caleb is back, Luke might break his promise. What will happen? Luckily for you, you don't have to wait long lol. 

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