Chapter 4

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I met up with Takemichi and met his group "Hello, side characters!" I yelled to them.

"You're Mia!" Most of his group screamed.

"Yeah, that's who I am, definitely not a 27 year old" I laughed.

Takemichi then hugged my leg "Are you okay?" I asked.

"WHY ME!?" He yelled.

"Takemitchy you sound more insane than me" I commented "Hey, what did you lot do to him?"

Most of the group was screaming about what happened earlier "Don't mind them and I don't know why he's like that" One with red hair admitted "I'm Atsushi Sendo" He greeted me.

"Nice to meet you Sushi" I grinned and he laughed at the nickname.

Takemichi soon let go of my leg and I poked Atsushi's back "You're very tense" I pointed out "Do you need to let something out? Like puke? Or a murder confession?"

"Mia" Takemichi gave me a horrified look.

"Are you horrified by the image of puke?" I laughed.

"Actually I do need to confess something" Atsushi admitted and Takemichi looked to him shocked "Takemitchy, I...I was thinking about stabbing Kiyomasa."

Takemichi missed the bench he went to sit on and slammed his face against the floor.

"I mean think about it, at this rate, we could have been slaves forever" He explained, "That would mean we needed to take Kiyomasa out."

"Akkun" Takemichi mumbled.

"It's good to want to protect your friends but don't take another life and no using knives" I sat beside Atsushi on the bench but the opposite way around since it doesn't have a back.

"Yeah I know" He nodded "Thanks, Takemitchy, we don't have to be slaves anymore because you toughed that out, you were awesome."

"Oh stop, you're making me blush" Takemichi laughed nervously.

Atsushi then went over to the rest of the group because one just threw the other one in a tree "Congrats" I told Takemichi "You gained the courage to change the past and you did it, and now Mikey has an eye on you."

When I said Mikey he screamed "Oh, that's why you were screaming, well he makes life more fun to me so you will enjoy your time with him" I grinned "You won't scream much."

"Why do I need to scream?" He shivered.

"You won't need to you just will" I laughed.

The next day Mikey was sulking as he twirled around the little flag he got from his burger and we were confused as to why he isn't happy.

I then noticed his eyes go to my burger and I giggled noticing why he was pouting, I placed my little flag in his hand "I told you what mine is yours" I reminded him "Now give me your jacket!"

He gladly handed it over for the flag and we both happily ate.

"You two are a weird couple" Draken sighed.

"All I'm hearing is that we are the best couple!" I exclaimed.

Mikey nodded as well and was smiling to himself.

"Hey, let's go visit Takemitchy, what school does he go to?" Mikey asked me.

I led him there when we finished eating and I went running in but Draken pulled me back along with Mikey and forced us to change our shoes for slippers.

I then ran in after I put the slippers on "Stop you will slip!" Draken yelled.

"Is that why they have the word slip in the name? Are there any shoes called runners? I want to run" I asked.

Fell from the sky // Mikey x oc (Tokyo Revengers)Where stories live. Discover now