Chapter 15

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"WHY ARE THEY AVOIDING ME!? THEY ARE JUST WUSSIES!!" I yelled as I searched for the last piece of the puzzle, "I found it! ARRGH! DIRTY UNDERWEAR!! BURN IN THE HELL OUTSIDE!!"

I threw it away out the window and I put down the last piece of the puzzle "We did it!" Takemichi high fived me.

We both fell onto our backs bored once again "I thought you were talking about Draken and Mikey just now" He commented.

"No, I was talking about the tomato that murdered my dragon" I answered "I want to kick them both into a good timeline! Seriously, they promised to talk and then avoid me!"

"Wait, did you throw my underwear out of the window?" Takemichi asked me.

"No, I made it fly" I answered "Unlike you who cursed them to the most horrid fate by being worn by you."

"How is that horrible?" He pouted.

"Don't you piss yourself every 2 seconds? They smell like it" I asked him.

"What? Mia is here?" Someone walked in and I saw it was Takemichi's group "Did you break up with Mik-"

He went running when I threw a pillow after him and it made a crack in the wall it hit scaring everyone.

"Wow, Mia you could have cracked his head with that" Atsushi laughed.

"Your head cracked a while ago so don't scold me" I warned him and he was confused while Takemichi shivered "Now come here and give me a hug."

He was confused but gave me a hug when I sat up "Live a full life and no pushing people unless its their head or hair while giving them a haircut" I advised of him.

Takemichi laughed nervously "Did you tell her?" Atsushi blushed embarrassed.

"You also have to give me free haircuts in the future" I grinned.

"Okay," He sighed then laughed.

"Where is his porn stash?" One of them went looking under the bed.

"You will only find tissue there from where he cries himself to sleep over his fate of being a punching bag and a sad rental DVD store employee in the future" I informed them.

"Actually that does fit" They stared at him.

"Anyway his porn mags are over there" I pointed behind Takemichi's closet and they gave me a thumbs up while Takemichi screamed.

He then decked one of his mates that touched the puzzle "You're going where his underwear went if you touch it again" I warned them.

"You two must have been bored" Atsushi commented.

"Well, I had to stay in bed" Takemichi sighed "What about you Mia? I thought Draken would have made sure you stayed in bed."

"I escaped through a window since Draken doesn't really come into my room since I'm annoyed with him and he just leaves my food at the door, I have climbed ten trees now and I want to climb more" I grinned making them sigh.

"This is where you are" Takemichi's door was pushed open.

"Oh, here's the new stalker" I commented.

"Draken!" The others yelled.

"I came to check to see how you're doing, Takemitchy and to find a little cat" Draken smirked.

"Hi, Mr Llama" I grinned at him.

He went to mess up my hair but stopped thinking he might hurt me "I have hit the floor ten times already, you touching my head won't do anything" I reassured him and he was giving me a wtf look "Oh, that made it worse, well I'm still not happy with you, all you gave me was healthy food and no taiyaki, you monster."

Fell from the sky // Mikey x oc (Tokyo Revengers)Where stories live. Discover now