Chapter 73

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"Come on, Toman! Stop joking around! Mikey, Mitsuya, Draken and Smiley! Not even one of the MVPs is around! And no one is around to be your forerunner?!" Shion laughed. "So Mia, what you gonna do?!"

Everyone watched me as I crossed my arms and then smirked. "Summon Peanut!" I yelled.

"Peanut?" Everyone looked around then Peh stepped forward, his brain is a peanut and I have defeated him with one before by sticking one up his nose.

"Thank you, Mia." Peh spoke up.

"Go crush his nuts with your nut." I demanded.

"Peh!" Takemichi yelled his reaction was as delayed as my marriage to Mikey is, it better happen in the future.

"Mia is the commander and you are second in charge now, so step back." Peh ordered. "Tokyo Manji Gang acting 3rd Division Captain, Hayashi Ryouhei."

"That was his name?...Peh is nowhere in it." I mumbled, and Kisaki stared at me dumbfounded. "Your real name is Basic Biscuit Bitch, isn't it?"

"...why aren't you attacking me?" He asked me.

"You would just jump below, and that doesn't seem like a good enough death for you." I hummed and he just smirked.

"You couldn't pu-" Kisaki paused seeing my blank expression.

"Yeah, I wonder if I just need to do it a different way, maybe even cause an accident and I won't hesitate that time probably." I admitted. "I will wait for it."

"For real?! Peanut rules!" We heard yells and saw Madarame was one punched by Peh even Izana was shocked.

"Taka-chin said this before, Peh-yan might be stupid, but in terms of strength he is above me." Hakkai spoke up.

"Speak Japanese you fuck." Peh was talking to a container for some reason.

"Peh, you need to understand Japanese first to speak to someone with it or even understand them." I sighed.

"You entertain well, Toman!" Izana smirked. "Mia, you found interesting people."

"Yeah, I found you, as well...very interesting." I nodded slowly.

"Takemitchy! Mia! I leave the rest to you two!" Peh exclaimed and I nodded. "Light up the beacon for battle!"

"Okay, I'm gonna set Kisaki on fire." I jumped down to his container, and he immediately jumped off making me laugh at how he landed. "On the head! Well done, now do it five more times but onto a chainsaw instead!"

"Commander, are you ready? We are." Takemichi asked me, and I saw the rest of Toman were to.

"Of course!" I exclaimed. "This place is gonna look really good in red!"

"KISAKI! LET'S END THIS HERE!" Takemichi yelled.

"Today! Let's settle this once and for all!" Kisaki was having trouble standing.

Everyone started to run at each and as they collided I got ready to jump down, I was still like 4 containers high. "She is-!" Someone yelled as they saw me run up.

I then jumped and it was amazing jumping from so high. "FOUND A TRAMPOLINE!" I yelled as everyone screamed.

I had taken down ten people at once, and everyone went to jump on me, but I jumped at them first and took down a good number of people.

I got pulled up by my jacket at some point and was thrown high into the air. "Thanks, Peh!" I exclaimed as I kicked off from a container and then hit my head against three other people as a landing, it was beautiful.

Fell from the sky // Mikey x oc (Tokyo Revengers)Where stories live. Discover now