Chapter 42

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"You wanna die?" I asked Takemichi as I poked his back with a taiyaki, he's in front of Mitsuya's school waiting for him to come out and collect him since he's too scared to walk in.

"Please don't kill me!" Takemichi cried as I walked around him while eating my supposed gun. "Mia!" He whined when he realised it was me.

"Who would put in the effort to kill you? You aren't a threat even to an ant." I asked him and he pouted.

"Hey, Takemitchy! Mia!" Peh came over to us and Takemichi was close to tears again.

"Peh, your face is scaring him." I pointed out then I looked down at his shirt. "Is bad fashion sense contagious? Which one of you gave it to the Grandma dragon?"

"Huh?" Peh let out.

"You got big ears you heard me." I pointed out.

"I did, but you have a grandma?" Peh asked me.

"Yeah, they have stupid muscles and like to slam my head into doorways, it's rude, only I should be able to slam my head against things." I complained and Takemichi laughed nervously knowing I was talking about Draken.

Peh looked at Takemichi who was ready to run, so I turned Peh around. "You got called here by Mitsuya, right? He's kinda busy right now, so I will show you around instead, come on." Peh started to lead the way.

"Uh, sure." Takemichi nervously followed him and I went along.

"So I guess you go to the same junior high as Mitsuya." Takemichi tried to make conversation.

"Yeah, we go to the same school and we are in the same division, you got a problem with that?" Peh got in his face and I put my hand in the way before their lips smacked into each others.

"Now, I'm gonna need to wash my hand." I groaned.

I washed it in the bathroom and then went back to them as they were checking out the school and Takemichi was running away from a bunny outside.

"Hey bunny, he isn't worth the effort!" I yelled out to it and Takemichi climbed a tree as I taught him to.

I was at the bottom of the tree looking up at him. "Help me!" Takemichi yelled.

"Well, fall already." I sighed and he was confused. "Well, what else do you do after climbing a tree?"

"Not fall!" Takemichi yelled.

"Boring." I sighed. "I'm replacing you with the bunny, he has a better kick."

I picked up the bunny. "Do you want some taiyaki? Or to make a dragon bald?" I asked it.

"Mia!" Takemichi chased after me and I was annoyed since I had to give the bunny back in the end.

We went to the Home Ec room and Peh was staring at the door. "Man, I hate dealing with her." Peh groaned. "Mia, can you?" Peh held out some taiyaki to me as payment.

"Sure." I nodded and the door immediately opened.

"Hayashi! Did you come to bother our president again!?" Yasuda yelled making Peh flinch.

"No, there's a panda eating a kangaroo outside, so we ran inside where we can find cloud head." I explained leaving her confused and I pulled the other two in with me. "Hey, cloud head!"

Mitsuya sighed. "Hey, Mia, I see you broke Yasuda's brain again, what did you say this time?"

"That someone wanted to ask you out, even I can't fathom anyone who would want to." I grinned and he glared at me.

Yasuda screamed and then started to yell about Peh's shirt. "I know it's ugly." I nodded as she talked about how the teachers pick on him because of his fashion sense.

Fell from the sky // Mikey x oc (Tokyo Revengers)Where stories live. Discover now