Chapter 23

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We met up with Takemichi "Sorry to keep you waiting" Naoto apologised.

"He wanted to wear a suit to try and look taller" I pointed at Naoto and he glared at me.

"I hadn't heard from you two in forever, I was wondering what happened" Takemichi complained.

"I'm sorry" Naoto apologised.

"My brother likes to have weird homes" I explained then pointed at the detention center.

"DRAKEN LIVES HERE!!" Takemichi yelled.

We went inside "I did some more research and Mia's brother isn't currently in Toman, but there was no record of him dying, it's no wonder I couldn't find him" Naoto explained and we sat down in the room we are supposed to meet him in "He is currently on death row."

"Mia, could you calm down?" Takemichi asked me as he sat very close to the opposite wall away from me.

"Once I punch him sure" I answered with a smile.

"Mia, there's a wall between us" Naoto pointed out.

"That won't stop me" I laughed and they both got even more scared.

The door on the other side of the glass then opened and I saw Draken, his eyes widened seeing me then they went soft and he sat down in a chair "It has been a while, Sis, Takemitchy" He gave me a small smile "I'm glad you're okay."

I felt tears come up "Why the hell did you disappear!? What happened!?" I yelled.

"Mia" He mumbled and I felt Naoto put his hand on my shoulder "Its nice to meet you, I'm Tachibana Naoto."

"Are you treating her well?" Draken asked.

They were confused "He's Hina's sister and I'm not into children" I sighed.

"I'm not a child" Naoto reminded me.

Draken laughed "I thought you finally moved on."

"Never happening but I see your hair moved on to the grave" I retorted.

Draken laughed a little "The last time I ever saw Mikey he was still wearing it" I looked up at him with some hope in my eyes "He loves you more than anything."

"Now, what did you need, Takemitchy?" Draken asked him.

"I had no idea you were on death row, Draken" Takemichi admitted.

"Me to" I added "And you know, I'm your twin sister, remember? You always kicked me in the womb" I was repeatedly tapping on the glass between us.

"You would be the one who did that" Draken retorted.

"Yeah, you're right" I laughed "Now, why would you murder someone?"

"Yeah, what happened? And what the heck happened to Toman?" Takemichi added.

"Mia, I don't regret what I did" Draken admitted "I deserve to be in here, it's my fault that Toman ended up like this because I couldn't stop him."

Draken looked exhausted and broken, I haven't saved him at all, he's only suffered.

"Toman, it was great when we were still kids, we did everything we could to make our team bigger" Draken had a small smile on his face "All we ever did was fight, and it was like a party every day, Toman was everything to me."

"Even if I could do it all over again, I'd still choose to live the same way, I have no regrets" He admitted.

"I can see you're still my annoying but caring brother, but you wouldn't kill, what pushed you?" I asked.

Fell from the sky // Mikey x oc (Tokyo Revengers)Where stories live. Discover now