Chapter 74

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"Taiyaki number 200." I threw it up into the pile I was making in the park when I was younger. "Mikey's birthday is nearly here! He will like it!"

"Oi, bitch! Why did you steal that from my friend?!" Someone yelled at me.

"I'm poor and hungry." I answered. "I see, you look the same just more homeless than me."

"Huh?! I'm not, these are my normal clothes!" He glared at me.

"Wait, you choose to wear those?" I asked shocked.

"You-That pile of taiyaki is bigger than you!" He pointed at the pile.

"Do you wanna test if that river is bigger than you?!" I grinned ready to throw him in it.

"Like y-ahahsh!" He was now underwater and floating away to somewhere he actually might be wanted.

I went back to my taiyaki pile. "Hey, are you the one stealing all of the taiyaki in the area?" Someone new appeared, and I turned my head to them with a taiyaki in my mouth.

"No." I answered.

"...Then how did you get all this?" He asked me.

"Forcibly borrow." I answered. "So is your hair candy floss? Can I steal it?"

He looked angry. "No." He put his hands over his head like he was scared.

"Okay goodbye." I waved to him.

He was just confused and kept trying to talk to me then when he would try to take a taiyaki I would slap his hand and he looked ready to cry, like I care, stop trying to steal my stolen food.

"THERE IS THE BITCH!" Someone yelled, and I saw it was the idiot from earlier with some more homeless-looking children.

"Oh, would you all pi-" I paused as the kid was now in front of me shaking as he stared at the dickheads. "Hey candyfloss, be like actually floss and throw yourself away?"

"It's not fair." He rasped out.

"I know they want my taiyaki I stole fairly." I complained making them all yell at me.

"You talk to them, but not me..." Angry sounded sad this time then it went to a blank kind of voice.

"Oh, you crying? Gonna cry to-" One went to say then next thing he was in the river making us all pause.

"I'm going to sit on my throne for the show." I climbed the taiyaki and sat on it and watched as the Angry kid just smacked them all around it seemed like he had no pattern, but he did, it is the same as mine really.

They were all knocked out in a good couple minutes and I knew from his next move it would do some damage he would regret, so I grabbed his wrist and he went for me next but I just tripped him up.

He was very quick and acted like I do when I fight. He didn't care if he got hurt, but since it was like my own fighting style I was able to tell what he would do.

I even led him to jump into the river and he went in and then out a few times like an NPC or Takemichi when someone scary is nearby.

In the end, Angry was tied upside up to the tree in front of my taiyaki and I used some wrappers the taiyaki came with to tie him up. "Taiyaki god, he's my offering give me more." I demanded.

Angry woke up with the widest eyes I had ever seen and started to cry again. "Ah, taiyaki will be too salty!" I got him down before he ruined my pile and I put him off to the side and he just sat there.

He looked ready to start crying again, so I just stuffed some taiyaki in his mouth. "Taiyaki is good for when you cry." I smiled at him. "It gives you at least some warmth even when your brother isn't around."

Fell from the sky // Mikey x oc (Tokyo Revengers)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant