Chapter 3

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Shiro was looking through a huge glass window and saw the girl laying on the mad bay. It has been weeks since he saved her but she still hasn't woken up yet.
He got worried. Worried of what will happen to her. Worried if she'll survive. Worry of what they've done to her. Worry that she won't return to herself. Worry of telling her brother that he found her but at the same time that he lost her. He just was worry. Then he felt a light touch on his shoulder. He turned around and saw Sam on his side.

He looked at him and then looked at the girl with a sad expression.
"I wish I could know when she'll wake up. But at the same time I don't believe she would want to wake up." He sighed.
"What do you mean by that Sam?"
Sam sighed and continue "I mean that maybe she wants to think that what happened to her was just a big bad dream. I don't know if she'll recover from it when she'll wake up", he said the last sentence with sadness.
"I hope she will. And I hope she wake up before Keith will arrive. I don't want him to see her in this state".
"I know you don't but I also don't think it'll be very wise for him to see her after she'll wake up.".
"What do you mean by that Sam? He is her brother. The only family she ever had. Besides, you know Keith. If he knows she is here he will see her no matter what". "Yeah I know", Sam said sadly. Then he turned to Shiro and touched his shoulder again and sighed, "I know it's not my decision or place to say anything about this subject but just listen. As a father I know what he feels, that he wants to see the person he loved the most alive but... Sometime once you see your loved one is broken so, you start to break down yourself. I just... I just don't think it would be wise to let him hope of something that isn't there yet."
Shiro let a sad sigh and looked at the floor "Yeah. You right". He put his hand on the glass and look up to the girl "I just want her to be okay".

Two days has passed and there was not any progress. Kane was still unconscious and all of team Voltron started to feel that maybe she would never wake up. Keith should arrive next week and Shiro hadn't told him yet that he found his sister. He just didn't know how.

Matt walked to the infirmary and saw Shiro look at something through the glass. He thought if it was the girl that they found. He did not remember how Pidge called her. When he was near Shiro he stopped and look at the unconscious girl.
"So... this is the girl that you found?", he asked Shiro who was still looking at the girl. Matt looked closely at the girl and he somehow recognize her from somewhere but he didn't know from where. "Yes. This is her... I guess Pidge told you", Shiro said.
"Yes she has", Matt said still looking at the girl on the bed. Then the realization hit him. "Wait a tick. I know her! This is Nightmare! What does she do here?".

Shiro turned toward Matt and asked him with confusion, "Wait. What do you mean you know her? And who is Nightmare?".
Matt turned toward him, "I wanted to recruit her to the Rebels but she didn't want to. She said that she had a plan or something she has to complete. And Nightmare is her name".
"Wait. She didn't want to join the Rebels? It doesn't make any sense. She was a prisoner, why didn't she join you? What type of plan she had that was so important?".
"Whoa, Whoa. Calm down with the questions. I have no idea what was her plan. She never told me. She only told me that she'll tell me her plan when she'll finish".
And do you know her or something? Because I have a feeling that Pidge know her".
"Yes Matt we know her...", he than put his hand on the glass and look at the girl. He sighed and then said still looking on her "She Keith's sister".
"Wait. WHAT? She is Keith sister? The best pilot who has ever been in the Galaxy Garrison?", Matt screamed. "Yes she is. We thought she died but I guess we were wrong".
"Wow. I didn't know it was her. But if I think about it now, she behaved a bit like Keith when I last saw her".

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