Chapter 13

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"Commander Shirogane a Galra ship is approaching what should we do?", Iverson asked.
"Hold, but be alarmed"
"This ship must be one of the main ships that the Galra had", Pidge said.
"Why do you think like that?", Iverson asked.
"Because this ship is the mother ship. The ship that held Zarkon and hundreds of his flees", Coran said.
Then an hologram appeared on the screen. It was Nightmare.
"Well look who we have here, the little earthlings. How cute"
"Nightmare we won't hurt you. Please don't shot"
"And why would I listen to you? You not my commander anymore", Nightmare said coldly.
"I knew we shouldn't trust you!", Kolivan pointed at her figure at the screen and spoke with venom.
"Well I guess they should have listen to you, but now it is to late for that"
"Nightmare please don't fire", Shiro pleaded.
"The canons are ready", some Galra said.
"Shoot them!", Nightmare said coldly without even blinking.
"No!!!", Shiro screamed.
A huge purple light came but it never came to Atlas. The ship that Nightmare was on blew up.
"No!", Kieth screamed with tears in his eyes. "I... I lost her again!", he cried as his legs gave up. "I... I just... Just can't lose her again".

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