Chapter 8

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The next day Shiro did a meeting with team Voltron and the Blades. "Ok. There is something that we need to speak about and I guess all of us know what is it".
Then a huge explosion sound was heard. "All the MFSs to fighting position", Iverson said toward the microphone. "What happened?", Shiro asked him. "well. It's appeared that something from the Galra just landed here". "Let's find out".
The explosion was not far from the Garrison Galaxy so they could go to the source of the explosion by foot. "Commander we can't take this beast down", James said. "And why is that?".
"Well. First, there is some of a shield cover the area and second thing is that Nightmare is in there". "What do you mean she is in there? She can get herself killed", Shiro screamed.

They arrived to the area of the beast and it was a giant gladiator with an orb, like the one Shiro has thought in his time in the arena. The gladiator came closer to Nightmare and was ready to aim his orb on her but Nightmare did nothing. She did not move.
"What is she doing? She going to kill herself!". Keith screamed worried for his sister. "MFSs stand by she may get a critical heat". "Copy that Shiro".

At the second the purple light on the orb has left his pose Nightmare started to move. She moved so fast and she used the string weapon (the weapon which Allura used) and brought the gladiator down. The giant light ball from his orb stopped working and the practical shield was down.
Everyone was in shock they could not believed what they just saw.
"Okay first of all before I make any reaction about yours faces. If you want something to hurt me you need at least ten gladiators with orbs and than maybe they would have the chance they can touch me. Got it. And now can you please stop look at me like that?".
"What do you mean?", Lance asked.
"I mean that stop look at me like I just fought ten gladiators with orbs".
"Do you mean you fight those things before?", Lance asked.
"Of course . And believe me this is more fun that what you have on your training deck". Nightmare then took off and walked to Galaxy Garrison.

Everybody stayed there in shock "did she just say that this was fun for her?", Pidge asked. "Did she just said there need to be at least ten gladiators to touch her?", Lance asked.
"I never saw anything like that. She defeated him in one tick", Krolia said in shock. "Well no matter what happened to her at least we know now that she can defend herself", Shiro said.

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