Chapter 9

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Team Atlas, the blades and Nightmare were in the meeting room. Pidge presented on the screen a Galra that the blades believe wants to rebuild the empire. "Ok. So all we know about him is that he supposed to meet up with some groups of pirates in this planet", Pidge said. "Ok so we will sent a team there. To gather data about them", Kolivan said.
"I can go there", Nightmare said coldly . "You can't go there. It's to dangers", Shiro said. "And besides. They would kill you when they'll see you".
Nightmare smirked while looking at the picture of the Galra man. "Well. This man own me couple of things so yeah... I'm going".
"What does he own you?", Pidge asked.
"Not a lot he just owns me five battle ships, so yeah I can get the information from him".

Meanwhile Axca, Zhafir and Ezor were behind the door listening to every word that was said. When they heard that the Galra had stole five battle ships Axca question herself "How did she stole them?".

In the meeting room Nightmare heard what Axca asked and answered her "Well to answer your question Axca after the empire collapsed it was easier to steel battle ships and fleets than to steel a cargo ship from the Garrison. And to answer to your other question I can hear you because you are noisy. And don't worry you can come inI won't kill you or the others. if I wanted to kill you, you would have been already dead", Nightmare said coldly.
Everyone was in shocked but Iverson broke the silence by his question,
"I know that you stole couple of times our ships but there were more times?", Iverson asked. "Well it depend which month it was".
"Why do you think that you can go there without being killed?",Kolivan asked with a little venom.
Nightmare stood up and looked exactly at Kolivan. "Well... none of you can go there. So it must be me".
"What do you mean by that?", Shiro asked.
"Well... Let's see. Team Atlas can't go because you are earthlings, the blades can't go without being dead in the entrance and if you thought you can send Axca, Zaphir and Ezor, you can't. They are consider as traitors to the empire. So, I guess you don't have any other choice then to let me gather the data".
"Well then I'm coming with you", Keith said.
"Thank you very much but I do not need a babysitter. I can protect myself."
"How can we trust you to gather the data and bring it to us?", Kolivan said.
"Well you can't. But if you don't trust me you can lock me up in a cell when I'll return. I promise I won't try to resist or kill you if you chose so".
"What do you mean by kill?", Shiro asked.
"Well when I was in prison I killed every guard that guarded me. I lost count when I reached one thousands".
Everyone was worried when they heard that.
After couple of minutes Lance spoke "And how exactly they gonna enter you to there meeting place? You can turn into Galra or something?". Nightmare looked at Lance with death expression. "Last time I checked I couldn't. But don't worry I have my own ways to enter."

Nightmare was now on the planet that the pirates should lend. Pidge gave her a recording device that can record everything that happens. Pidge also hacked to the security cameras so team Atlas and the Blades can see everything that happens.
Nightmare came to the meeting building and entered.

In the meeting building there were many pirates. Galran pirates. They looked scary but Nightmare did not fear. She sat on the bar and spoke to the barman. "What for today Phoenix. The usual?". Nightmare chuckled "You know me Gerry".

Nightmare felt someone was staring at her. she turned around and saw the pirates who stole her ships. "So... look what we have here. A little earthling", the Glaran said with venom.
"Ha, you may not know me but I know you pirate. You the one who stole my battle ships".
"Why should an earthling have a battle ships of the Galras'".
"First of all, I'm not an earthling. And secondly, everybody stole from the Galras after the empire was ruined".
"I don't believe you".
"Fine. Let's make a bet. Alright?"
"I'm listening"
"We to the trail Victory or death. If you win, you can do what ever you want with me. But if I win, you going to pay your payment to me and you'll have to but for everyone here Nunvill".

After the fight the pirate were hurt badly, he wars sit on the floor and drugged his body to the wall behind him and rest. Nightmare crouched in front of him and smiled smugly.
"I'm beg you. Don't kill me please don't", the pirate cried. "Okay. But are you sure you are a Galra?", Nightmare asked him.

They walked to the bar and took a sit. Garry gave them Nunvill. "Thank you Garry".
"So, how did you come looking like an earthling?"
"I was one of the high commander in Zarkon's main ship. I reached to high ranks and I had an honor to help Haggar with her mission"
"What mission?"
"To destroy team Voltron. Did you know that Voltron were bunch of littles earthling", he nodded. "So, Haggar turned me to look like them so I can trick them." She looked at her hand and said in disgust, "believe me when you have this disgusting pink skin of them they would listen to everything you tell them".
"Very clever. So, you can take them and there grope of Blades down right?"
"Yeah of course . I can trick them whenever I want when I look like this".
"Well what do you think about the blades?"
"Oh. I just hate them. Like, come on just because they have their stupid blades doesn't mean that they can role us now"
"You're right and I can't believe that one of their highest ranks is a Halfling"
"I totally agree with you. You know. I heard that halfing are destroying every race they from. You know I get it that you want to destroy the earthling race but why the Galra? We were almost destroyed by Lotor but I didn't have so much problem with him because he destroyed the Altean race but why would someone would want to destroyed the purity of the Galra race."
"I asked myself the same question but I guess this was what those stupid Blades wanted. They wanted to destroy the Galra race because they think that they are better then us. But we will show them that we can defeat them and rebuilt our empire. Because now we have an empress!".
"A empress? I never heard about that"
"There is a rumor that before Haggar and Zarkon died they gave someone the symbol of the empire. And the one they gave the symbol to set the flame again at the Karl Zera"
"Interesting . Do you know who is it?"
"No. No one know but I believe that the one who is empress works in the shadow until the time will come to destroy the blades".
"mmm... make sense . Well now give me my payment like you promised."
Then the pirate gave Nightmare a chip.
"Thank you", Nightmare said while she stood up and walked toward the door. "Wait. What is your name?".
"I am followed by many names but you can call me Phoenix".
"Okay Phoenix. May we meet again."

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