Chapter 11

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When she came to her room she breathe heavily. She put her hands on her head and said to herself quietly. "This is not real. This is just my head. She is not real", she repeated those words over and over trying to calm herself down. Then she looked at the mirror in her bathroom but the only thing she could see beyond her was the woman she heard earlier whispering in her ear, Haggard smirking at her.
"You will never be forgiven by your friends! They will hate you forever for what you've done!", she said.
"Shut up!"
"They would never forgive you"
"Shut up"
"They will blame you forever for what you've done"
Then her hand glowed up in light purple and Nightmare smushed the mirror into million of pieces. She looked at the shredded mirror which was now melted a little when she gave the punch.
She took a deep breath and said while looking at herself in the broken mirror ,"Okay. It's time for the next step".

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