Chapter 18

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The group woke up in a strange place. A place that they had never were before. "Is everyone okay?", Greeny asked. Pidge ground and put a hand on her head. "I think so... Where are we?".
"I don't know. But I don't have good feeling about it", Krolia said.
Lance then wake us and search if everybody was in the room but two people were missing "Wait. Where is Keith? And where is Deathwish?". Everybody search and looked in the room but they had no clue.
Then the door opened. "Um... should we go out?", Matt asked. "Yes we should maybe Keith is there", Lance said.
They went out of the room and saw chairs in front of a huge glass window. "Um... what is that? Where are we?", Pidge said.
Then a fighting voices were heard. It came from the window. Lance got closer and then he saw Nightmare. She was in a huge arena against someone.
"What is she doing dawn there?", Lance asked in surprise.
"Don't worry she can handle him.", Greeny said.

Inside the big sandy arena Nightmare was in front of a black figure and she knew exactly what it was. He was a druid.
"I know what you did in order to survive. But do your little friends know? Know what you have done? How you betrayed them?", the druid said coldly.
Nightmare giggled and said coldly "Oh. That's very cute. But what exactly do you mean?". "You know what I mean Nightmare. How you help the empire by killing all those Blades. You helped us to make the job done".
"Wait. What does he mean?", Kolivan asked with venom in his voice.
Nightmare looked frozen for a second and surprised. "Oh. They know nothing about this right? So let me tell them", the druid said as he turned his gaze to where the group was. "You're little friend has helped us to kill thousands of Blades! And she was happy to kill them in the arena. It was like a sport for her.", he said with venom in his voice.

Nightmare did not move. She looked at him with a smirked and she started to turn back and walked away from him. "Remember when you told me to never turn my back in a fight?". She started to say while she walked and then twenty figures who look exactly like her, appeared all around the arena. The druid expression has changed. He looked now a little afraid.
Then Nightmare turn to him and smirked, "Oh... Don't look surprised. I learn it from you. You see when I spent time with you and your little friends I learned a thing or two from you".
Than a Black Bayard appeared in her hand. The Druid looked at it and then back to her. Nightmare smirked even more and chuckled "Oh... this little thing. Did you know that only two peo- well more like one and a half people in the whole universe knew how to use it. And now I know too. You know that this weapon can bring down a lion of Voltron?". Nightmare started to get closer to the druid which took a step back each step she got closer. She smiled him evilly. "Oh... don't be afraid from that. It's only a little black Bayard nothing more. So now. What way do you choose? The easy way or the fan way?".
"What is she doing?", Shiro asked in worried. "Oh... Don't worry she just playing with him", Greeny said.

Back in the arena the druid started to back away when he heard the answer. "So I guess that you chose the fun way". All the figures which look like Nightmare started to get close to the druid. "Did you really think that I would let you escape? After all what you did to me?", Nightmare screamed at him. "Do you really think that they going to except you after all what you've done to them?", the druid asked her.

Suddenly Nightmare stopped and said "I will never betrayed my family!!!", she spat on him. She began to walked toward him again but then she stopped. She saw Zarkon behind the druid and she heard Haggar behind her whispering. "I told you. They will never except you after they know who you are!".

Nightmare fell to her knees, covering her ears and screaming blood shivering scream. The druid watched the site and smirked. "So I guess they never left right? You may look strong but you are nothing more than a weak rat. They will never love you. And now more than ever, after they will hear what you did". Then the druid disappeared. Suddenly a hole in the arena appeared and a stage appeared and Keith was on it.

Keith hasn't realize where he was but when he did he ran to his sister but she screamed to him. "Keith stop! Don't come any closer! I don't want to hurt you!" than she continued to scream in agony. "Kane you won't hurt me. You'll never hurt me and I won't going to leave you again!."
Nightmare felt like she was burning from the inside.
Then she took her Bayard that turned into a purple string like weapon (like what Allura had) she threw it toward Keith. The weapon spun around Keith torso and she threw him out of the arena and into the door. Thence weapon hit the wall what course it to crash the door but as the last brick felt down, a large earthquake was being felt. "KEITH!", Lance screamed while running to him but he was unconscious . Then everything went white.

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