Chapter 7

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Keith has arrived to Atlas after the rescue mission but he wasn't injured. Lance sat on a sit near Keith's bad for two days but he was still uncontion. Krolia told Lance that he was just held on a cell. They didn't touch him. Just held him there.

Keith and the other paladins entered to their lions holes. After couple of ticks Keith see all of the other paladins are surrendering him. He immediately knew something went wrong on their mission to gather information from the Galra. "What's wrong?", Keith asked Shiro and Shiro looked at him with sorrow. "I'm sorry Keith... but Kane is... they took her". Keith felt like he couldn't breath.
"What do you mean?", he asked in anger. "we couldn't reach her in time. I'm sorry Keith".
"No! we need to get after them. We need to free her. we need to-"
"We can't Keith. We don't know where she is and even if we knew we can't fight them without a plan. I'm sorry but we need to wait and think of a rescue plan"
"Are you crazy!? This is my sister and I'm not going to leave her! I can't lose her".

Lance was relief that he was not hurt. He just was really tired. Lance took his hand and kissed it. He loved to see him sleep. He looks so cute when he sleep. "I just wish Kane will be easy on you",Lance whispered. And like it was on cue. Keith opened his purple eyes, and screamed "Kane!".
"Keith! You're okay. Just breath", Lance screamed and hugged him tight to calm him down. Then he pulled out and kissed him patiently . Kieth kissed him back and they only pull out for air. "How are you feeling?", Lance asked him. "I'm alright I think. But I had some weird dream".
"About what?".
"it was about Kane". He stopped to sigh and then he continued. "I know it's been years since she died but I still miss her. I don't know why but I have a feeling that she is alive", Keith said with sadness.
"Look babe. I... I wanted to wait to tell you but I can't see you like that. we found Kane". As soon as Keith heard his sister name again he shoot out of bed and ran for the only room he knew she would be. Lance tried to grab his wrist but he was to slow. "Wait. Keith! I need to tell you something first!", Lance screamed while he ran to his husband.

Keith couldn't stop running. He didn't know what to think. 'What is she like?', 'What if she doesn't remember me?', 'What if she hate me?', 'What if she don't remember anything?', 'What happened to her?' and more question rose through his head when he kept running. He arrived to the training deck. He just knew she would be there. He didn't know how to enter to the room. He was so scared. He took a deep breath and entered the training room.
Kane fought again at the highest level. After a second she just threw the giant sword of the gladiator including himself just few inches from the door where Keith had been. Then the bot disappeared. "Level 273 ended. No more Level", a robotic voice said.

Keith was in shock. 'How did she reach to the highest level?' he asked himself. He was nerves to see her. she didn't look as herself. She had long hair and she was taller than before. He took a deep breath and started to speak. "You know. You could hit me with that throwing", he said quietly while he got closer to his sister.
"Well. It did not hit you. Did it?", she answered coldly. Then Keith stopped. He was in shock. She never answer him so coldly. Even when she was angry at him. He shrug it off and said "I missed you so much Kane". Again Kane flinch a bit by hearing her name. "My name is Nightmare now", Kane said with coldness in her voice. "Oh. Ok" Keith stutter. Keith didn't know what to do. His sister never behaved like this. She didn't even look at him. He was so hurt. His heart broke. Then he left the training deck.

"Hey Keith? Are you in here?", Lance asked while knocking on the door. Keith didn't answer so Lance open the door. Keith just sat on the bed staring at the wall. Unknown Lance entered the room. "Keith? What happened? Did you see her?", Lance asked in conserved. He knew it would destroy Keith to see her like that. He sat on the bad in front of Keith. Trying to get his attention but it didn't work. Keith still looked like he was out. Lance just got near him and hug him. Keith hugged him back and began to cry. "I didn't even recognize her and she didn't even look at me", he cried but then he stopped for few seconds. He felt like he couldn't breath. "She never was so cold. Ever". Keith just continue crying on his husband shoulder. Lance drew circles on his back to calm him down. "I shouldn't have to say it to you. I'm sorry.", Lance whispered and hug him tighter. They stay like this for the rest of the night.

Meanwhile Shiro showed Kane her room.
"So... this your room Kane". Kane jumped a little when she heard her name. "Call me Nightmare from now on", she said. Shiro was in shock by her coldness. 'she was always cold even more than Keith but never on this level', he thought. "Ok... feel free to call us at any time Nightmare" and by that he left her alone.

Kane entered the room. It was not too big and not too small. Inside the room was a bed, a desk, a chair and a bathroom. She went to the bathroom and looked at the mirror and sighed. she then took a shower and took the closed that was left on the bed for her. As she looked at herself she could see all the scars that she got from spending time with the druids. She remembered every scar that she got from the endless time she was in the arena.

She lied on the floor and "slept". After couple of hours she heard a sound coming for the door. She took the dagger that she hid beyond her, closed her hand on the handle so tight that her knuckles turned into white. She was ready to attack what was beyond her. she felt a cold hand touching her. she immediately turned around and was on top of who touch her. putting the dagger close to his throat. "Whoa whoa easy. I'm not here to hurt you. I just wanted to check on", Shiro said in fear with his hands upon his head. Kane then immediately stood up and said "Don't ever touch me again. Understood?". "Yes", Shiro said in fear. "I'll go now. Sorry for... well... this". And he ran from her room.

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