Chapter 17

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Keith returned to Atlas and came to the meeting room. "Thanks got you're safe", Lance said while hugging him. "I'm fine thanks to Nightmare. She saved me"
Lace let go of Keith and asked in wonder. "Wait! She saved you?"
"Yes. She threw me into the pod before the place exploded. But she behaved strange. She behaved like she used to be", Keith said.

"She blowed her cover", Deathwish whispered.
"What do you mean by that?", Gunshot asked.
"How much time has passed since she have been here?", Deathwish asked.
"Three weeks why?", Shiro asked.
"Did you ever heard her scream?"
"No... why?"
"Now I want to kill her. She bit her record", Deathwish said.
"You are not alone with that thought. I would kill her too if I could", Greeny said.
"Okay no one is killing my sister and what this record you're talking about?", Keith asked.
"No sleeping. Her record is two weeks. And because you haven't heard her scream so she never slept here".
"Wait you said something about cover what did you mean by that?", Pidge asked.
"Well... you said that she had a plan when she first saw you right? So maybe this was her plan. I know her for two years and she was never Haggar's puppy. She was afraid from her".
"How do you know that", Ezor asked.
"According to her breathing". Everyone looked at him in shock,
"What? We were in the same sell for two years so yeah I know how to spot when she fear from something by her breathing.", Deathwish said "Okay we now can return to the plan thing", Pidge said.
"Well she would never killed the blades. I just know this and secondly, you said that the ship she was on explodes right. A ship like the mother ship would never explode without someone from the inside that caused it . So she ,use have been needed for some bait so she used you", Greeny said.
"But what was her plan when she met me", Matt asked.
"Well I think I know. She wanted them to think she was working with them but she wasn't. She wanted to be at the highers ranks so she when she'll reach it she'll be able to destroy the empire from the inside. So she would play until she'll finish her mission", Greeny said.
"Well if she did all of that she is genius. She thought about this from the beginning and still played until now.", Shiro said.
"If this thing is true so she is genies to keep it for sixteen years", Matt said.
After a while Keith asked "How can we find her now?"
"I don't know. We don't have a Nightmare finder", Greeny said.
Deathwish took a sit down and left a big sigh "Actually we have. Enter the coordinates 149.9342.12".
Greeny entered the coordinates to the computer and saw a red dot moving. "How do you know where she is?"
"I lied to you. I met the druids before she arrived. They put a chip into me so I thought they would do the same thing to her too because she survive more than me in the arena".
"Wait so you supposed to be their weapon but she survived more then you in the arena so, because that they gave her to be their weapon", Pidge said
"Unfortunately that's true"
"Coran set the coordinates", Shiro said.
"On it Com-", Coran said but was cut by Deathwish. "We can't follow her. if she know we can track her she won't hesitate to cur herself open and remove the chip and than we would never be able to find her again".
"That's right. She is capable for that", Gunshot said.
"So we wait until the dot stop moving", Shiro said.
Suddenly a large light came and everything went dark.

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