Chapter 22

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Lance and Keith sat on their new bed. Lance has spotted something that he had seen a lot recently with Keith, sadness. And now he couldn't even imagine how he must feel after seeing everything that his sister gone through. "Hey babe. Are you okay?", Lance asked in quiet voice knowing the answer of the question. Keith turned to Lance and hugged him. Lance did not was surprised by his actions. He wished for his husband he would never feel like that. He heard Keith start to cry harder and harder so Lance just hugged him tider.
"Keith. I'm so sorry she had to go through this". This was the only thing Lance could say to his broken husband. He heated to see him like this. All broken. It just broke his heart to see him in pain. He started to rab Keith's back in circles to relax him a little. After half a varga he started to relax a bit. "Thanks". Keith said while sitting up straight and kissed his husband. Lance melt to his kiss and he felt Keith got relax even more by it. After a few moment they broke the kiss. "Anything for you. Want to talk a bit about... well you know".
Keith look down at his hands and took a deep breath. "I don't really know. I don't want to make you sad".
"Keith you will never make me sad. I want to help you. And you know as well as I that keeping your emotions inside is bad".

Lance put his finger below Keith's chin in order to make him look. "I know... but it just... I just don't know where to begin. I just so angry at her that she stayed at that place and doing all those stuff when she could escape , but at the same time it breaks my heart to know what happened to her there. It just mix up of so much emotions . I just... I just don't know what to do. I ju-" Lance stopped him and pull Keith to big hug. He felt that his shirt starts to get wet again but he didn't care "Shh. It's okay. I know how you're feeling. I know it hard to be angry at your sister but at the same time to worry sick about her. But think about it. If she didn't stay in the prison she would never rescue all those blades. I know that you are angry about her staying in that hell but she saved so many people. She gave them the opportunity to have a life, a good life. And don't forget a lot of what she did even now she did to help the universe. To save us all".
"I kn... know t... tha... that s.. she d.. did it f.. for t... the grade an.. and g... good b.. but it s... still d... don't help m... me forget w... wh... what they di... did to her"., Keith started to cry even harder.
"Shh... I don't think we will ever forget about what they did to her but the only thing we need to focus now is what she did. She saved thousands and I'm sure she saved us as well. I know it sounds weird but I think that she helped us many time while she was in their prison". Keith stopped crying and looked at Lance in the eyes "What to you mean by that?".
"Think about it. They thought that she works with them. So maybe she helps them to think how to takes us down but she chose things that she knew we could handle". "Maybe. But I still can imagine what it felt like. And I'm sure she'll hate me when she return".

Lance was surprised for a tick 'why does he think about it?' "What do you think so?". Keith sighed "it just that after the mission with all the pirates and stuff I came to the training deck when she trained. I said horrible things to her. things that I wish now I would never even think about and I said her all those things. I now get it why she cut me with her blade". Lance was in shock "Wait a tick. She attacked you? WHEN? And why you didn't said anything to me?".

Keith looked at his hands again ashamed to remember what he said to his sister "I didn't want to worry you. And I knew I deserved it from her after saying all those stuff". "What... What did you said to her?", Lance asked in hesitation in his voice. "I have told her that she... she wanted to be dead because she wanted to be consider as hero. I told her that she wanted to fake her death so she won't be needing to be a paladin of Voltron", Kieth said with cracked voice. Lance was in shocked 'How Keith could say those things to his sister' he thought to himself. "Look... she won't hate you. She will never hate you. You are her brother and she loves you. Maybe she got angry at you at that time but she would never hate you".

Keith look at Lance with sad eyes and stood up "Thank you for everything babe. But I need some time alone so I'm gonna be outside for a time".
"Okay. Whatever you need babe but don't do something stupid", Lance with a little bit of sorrow in his voice.

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