Chapter 10

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Nightmare was back on her ship to take her back to Atlas but after couple of time the planet was filled with explosions.

Nightmare entered to the meeting room where everybody was. She threw the disk that stored the data they needed to find. Everybody looked at her in shock while she was taken her sit. "How was you sure enough that they will believe you", Matt asked her.
"I didn't know they would believe me. But one thing that I learned is that you need to tell those pirates what they want to hear and then, they would do anything for you." Then Nightmare turned to Kolivan and asked coldly "what have you decided? To put me in a cell or to let me be free?".
"I don't know yet."
"Well you need decide I won't be giving you this opportunity ever again so choose quickly".
"Do you know that the pirates you fight will be forever ashamed because of your fight right?", Krolia said.
"Yeah I know. I wanted him to treat me as what he should and I gave him the lesson he needed. And besides, I wanted to fight a little and he was willing to bet so yeah".
"How did you set explosive so fast?", Shiro asked.
"I have my own ways. You'll find about them when the time will come. So... if we done here I'm going to train". Nightmare was in her way toward the door "Wait", Kolivan told her.
"What do you want?".
"What's your other names? I want to know"
"Like I said to that pirate you'll need to wait to find out what are they! So now, can I go to train or do you have another question for me?". Kolivan sighed and Nightmare understood that she can go to train now.

When Nightmare went of the room Kolivan spoke "I don't trust her. she can be working with them and we just let her in".
"She is my sister. I don't think she can betrayed us".
"Keith maybe she can. I know none of us want to believe it but we don't know what the Galra did to her. We need to consider it", Pidge said with hesitation in her voice.
"Well what do you think Acxa? You met Nightmare ones right?"
Acxa looked at the floor and said quietly "Unfortunately we met Nightmare"
"So what do you think?", Lance asked.
"I don't think we should talk about this now".
"Why all of you think that Kane, my sister is working with them?", Keith screamed and then go out the room.

Keith came to the training deck and waited for Nightmare to finish the fight which didn't take so long. "Hey, can I talk to you?"
Nightmare did nothing except nodding. "Are you working with them?"
"No", Nightmare said coldly.
"Can I trust you?"
"Why do you ask that? Because your stupid Blade commander doesn't trust me?"
"No I just wanted to make sure".
"Well have fun with that", Nightmare said while walking to the exit of the room. "You know what. I do not trust you. You know why, it's because you faked your death. You didn't even look at me before they killed you which apparently did not happened. You could try to make contact with us when you had the chance but no. You let us think that you're dead. You know what. I think you wanted to be dead! To consider the hero who died by trying saving the world. You wanted to stay there. To make us feel the pain and make us weak. You worked with them!". While Nightmare was listening to Keith's words she started to hear an old woman voice whispering to her ear, "I told you. They would never love you after knowing what you did. They will hate you after knowing what you did to them. How you betrayed them", the voice filed her head.
Nightmare stared at her brother and cut him on the forearm. Keith stood still, he was in shock and then Nightmare run to her room as quick as possible.

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