Chapter 14

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A day passed by and everybody was in the meeting room trying to understand what had happened in the previous day. What they found out about Nightmare. About her betrayal and how they lost her all over again. All of them were lost in thought and then they heard loud alarm.
"Pidge find out what is the cause of the alarm!", Shiro said but then three figures were in the room. A Galra grabbed Acxa's neck and pinned her to the wall.
"Where is she?", he screamed.

Some other bigger Galra screamed to the figure who was now on the other side of the room checking for something in the computer.
"Have you found anything?". The figure who now known as Olkari spoke,
"Yeah. She been here... on their mad bay".
"Where is she Acxa?", the Galra screamed again while putting pressure on Acxa's neck causing her to turn more purple then she used to.
"We don't know what are you talking about but we can assure you that we can help you",Shiro spoke.
The Olkari stood up and looked at Shiro. "Champion? Is that you?", he asked. "How do you?...".
"Oh come on you don't remember me? You and your little friend never finished telling me things about your planet".
"Greeny?", Matt asked.
"Ok at least Scary boy did not forget me".
"Do you know them?", the bigger Galra asked.
"Yeah of course . We were in the same cell before I came to our prison".
"Can you tell your friend to stop chocking Acxa?", Shiro asked.
"Okay Deathwish that's enough. Save something for Nightmare".
Deathwish stopped choking Acxa to death. "You right. I let Nightmare to have the fun".
"Wait a tick if she was here why she hadn't killed her? she could kill her in a blink", the big Galra said.
"Yes you're right".

Than out of nowhere Kolivan jumped on Deathwish but he was to slow. Deathwhish has already knocked him off. He put his blade on Kolivan's neck. Deathwish blade was long like Kolivan's blade and he had the symbol of The Blade of Marmora.
"From where do you have that blade? The only ones who carried those type of blades are dead!",Krolia said in anger.
"Well think again!", he spoke with venom. Then he stood up and put his blade away from Kolivan. He looked at Krolia but then he spotted someone behind her.
"You her brother right?", he spoke.
"...Yeah", Keith said in shock. He did not except for that question.
"Wait a tick. Nightmare has a brother?", the big Galra asked.
"Yes she has Gunshot"
"How did you know that? She never spoke about things like that", Greeny asked.
"I know that because she looked exactly like him when I first saw her"
"You mean in your last fight right?", Gun shot said.
"She had a mullet?", Greeny asked.
"Ok... after some talking... you can tell us what are you doing here?", Lance asked.
"We are searching Nightmare and the last place she was in is on planet Earth so we figured she might be on this ship", Greeny said.
"What do you want from my sister?", Keith said in anger.
"We want nothing from your sister! We just want to find her!", Deathwish said with venom.
"You can't find her! She is dead!", Keith screamed.
"What? It is not possible"
"Yes it is true. She is working with them. She was their empress all this time and she died when she tied to kill us!", Keith continued to scream.
"How does she died exactly?", Greeny asked
"The cannon in the ship that she was on just exploded when she wanted to shot us"
"What ship she was in?", Greeny asked.
"She was on the mother ship", Shiro said sadly.
Greeny looked at his friend with concern but then he looked at Shiro.
"Ok... it's been along day for all of us and I think we should need to let it out. So, do you have a training deck here?" Greeny asked Shiro.
Shiro nodded in response, "yes I think you right"
"Okay who want Quick arena?", he asked.
"I want Quick arena. Deathwhish you're in?".
He did not respond.
"Deathwish you're in?". Deathwish took a step back and sighed, "yes I'm in".
"Good. Now can someone show us the way to your training deck", Greeny asked.
"I'll show you", Pidge said with a light blush on her cheeks.

After the four got out of the room Lance spoke, "That's was wired".
"How do they know her?", Shiro asked Acxa.
"Those three are the former champion we had. After one of them was defeated he disappeared. I believe that they were in the same prison with Nightmare", Acxa said.
"What do you mean by that?"
"They were undefeated in the arena. Greeny was a year and a half in the arena, Gunshot three and Deathwish four.
Deathwish was never defeated before Nightmare has arrived. When Nightmare defeated him he disappeared and no one saw him ever again".
"Wait so he was the first one she fought? He knocked Kolivan in one tick. How did she actually did it?", Lance asked.
"I don't know. The only thing that I know is that no one can defeat Nightmare even Deathwish because of that I fear from Nightmare".
"Well we need to find out from where Deathwish has his blade", Krolia said.
"Why?", Shiro asked.
"Because only the origin family had those type of blades and they all died".
"Well I guess you were wrong".
"Ok I don't know about you but I don't trust those three. I'm going to the training room", Keith said and then the rest of them walked to the training room.

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