Chapter 12

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In the midnight when everybody was already asleep Nightmare sneaked up to the Communication room. She went to the computer and opened a communication line. Then a Galra was appeared . "It's time. Sent me the Coordinates". "Yes Empress".

The next morning has come and everybody hate breakfast but Keith felt something was wrong but he didn't know what. "Hey Babe are you okay?", Lance asked in a little bit of worrying . "Yeah why?".
"It's just that you looked a little bit off yesterday". "Oh don't worry. I'm fine"

Then one of the tech guy came "Commander Shirogane. We found some messages in the communication room". Everybody went to the room and looked at the message.

Nightmare was appeared on screen and the a Galra commander. "Okay. It's time for the next step", Nightmare said. "Yes empress"

"I knew we shouldn't trust her!", Kolivan said in rage.
"Wait a minute. He called her Empress?", Acxa asked.
"Well I guess she was their puppy after all", Ezor said.
"What do you mean 'their puppy'?", Lance asked.
"Um... it just that she did everything they wanted her to do. Even when they caught all your Blades she did not hesitate when she fought agains them in the arena"
"Wait a minute. You're telling us that she killed blades? By Zarkon command?", Shiro asked.
"Yeah. She did everything they told her. Even when she fought Sendak and almost killed him she stopped because they told her to", Acxa said.
"How did she fought him?", Keith asked. "Well I don't know why they gave him a punishment but..."
Acxa was cut off by Pidge, "wait what do you mean by punishment?".
"Well.. after couple of years when she first entered the arena their was a rumor that she kill every guard that watched on her. So when you where sent to fight against her it would be to die by her".
"How much time she has been in the arena?"
"Six years. She was and still am undefeated in the arena even her last fight couldn't knock her out."
"Wait what last fight?", Keith asked.
"Well... in her last fight she fought 20 sentries, ten gladiators with orbes and five druids. it took her five doboshes to kill them all. I never saw anything like it".

"Wait. Where is Nightmare? I did not see her today?", Matt asked.
"She probably on the training deck or something".
Matt checked the training deck but there was nothing there. He checked on the meeting room, on the MFE's room but she was no where to be found. Matt went to Pidge and told her "I can't find her. I don't think she is here". "Let me talk to Shiro then".

After Pidge talked to Shiro they decided to go to her room. They didn't want to go there because of what she would do to them. "I'll go first", Shiro said.
He opened the door but saw nothing except from blackness. "Nightmare are you in here?". No one answered. Shiro entered the room and open the lights. Then all he felt was terror. Her room was all massy and the mirror in her room was shredded into million of pieces and when Nightmare gave the punch was melted down. "What happened here?", Lance asked in shock. "Pidge can you check in the cameras ?" "Yes give me a sec".
Then Pidge opened her laptop and they saw what happened the day before. "What did she see that freaked her so much?", Lance asked. "Whatever it was. It terrified her. We need to find her."
"And how we do that exactly?", Pidge asked.
"I don't know yet. But we'll find a way"

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