Chapter 6

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Kolivan, Krolia and Keith walked in the meeting room. Everyone was nerves to tell Keith that Kane returned home.
"Please sit down.", Shiro gesture to them. "Thank you", Krolia said as she took a sit. "So Shiro why did you call us? You said it was argent", Keith asked Shiro with curies. The door opened and Lance came in. he walked and sit near Keith. When he sat he kissed Keith. "sorry I was late".
"It's okay. Shiro hasn't told us anything yet".
"So... what was the deal that was so argent about", Krolia asked.
Shiro stood up and took a deep breath. "Keith we have found Ka-" the door opened and Kane was standing there. Matt came after her breathless, his hands on his knees, "How do you ran so fast?", Matt asked between breaths.
"Kane?", Lance and Shiro said in unions. Lance than turn to see Keith who looked in shock. "Keith are you okay?" Lance whispered to him.
Keith just continued to glare on his lost sister. The sister he thought was killed by the Galra. The sister he missed so much. After a couple of minutes he stood up and walked toward her. He didn't know if she was real or not. When he was closed to her she narrowed her eyes, grab a blade from her ankle pocket and waved her blade into Kieth.

"Keith!", Lance screamed but it was to late. She already slice him to half. But then his image flickered and he was gone. The only thing that was remain was a chip. "WHAT did you do to him?", Lance screamed and got close to her. She grabbed his hand and flipped him over her head and threw him to the floor. She glared on Kolivan and Krolia a cold glare and said with cold voice. "Okay. You have 30 tikes to tell me where have you been?". While Kane had her conversation Pidge took the ship and put it in her computer. "Where is my son?", Krolia screamed to Kane. "I don't know if you won't tell me where have you been?".

"We were two weeks ago in a planet called Glinox. we tried to join them to the coalition but there were group of space pirates".
Kane took a step forward "What kind of pirates ?".
"I don't know. But as soon as they found us they left".
"Look. I think I found the source of the chip.", Pidge said. And then a huge Galra based appeared . "I think he is there. I can find a map to guide you in and free him". "Alright let's move", Krolia said. Kane giggled slightly and said "You won't find a map to that base Pidge".
"So we go blind then. It won't be our first time",Krolia said and kept going.
"Well if you want three people down that's fine with me. And if you meet Deathwish say hi from me before he kill you. I heard he hates Blades". Krolia felt her heart is going to shatter. She stopped immediately and turn around toward the young woman. "Do you know this place?".
"Yep like the back of my hand". Kolivan got closer to her as well "How do you know there is not a map we can use?". Kane sighed and looked at the picture of the prison. "This base is the most secured prison in the whole universe".
"What do you mean by that? How do you know that?", Lance asked still recovering from what happened earlier. "I know that because I was prisoned there. So... now if you don't want to die there I'm coming with you".
Kolivan took a step forward the women and said. "How can we trust you? We just met you. And besides you are not a fighter", Kolivan said with a little bit of venom. Kane turned to look at him and said with coldness "I guess you don't have a choice. And if you consider a six years in the gladiator arena as nothing so I'll be glad to see what you mean when you say fighter", Kane said with a smirk. Everyone was in shock. They didn't know how to react. 'Six years in the gladiator arena is a lot. How can someone survive so long?' Shiro thought to himself. "So... now what's your decision?", Kane asked Kolivan. "Alright. You can come".
"Good but I only have one condition. You listen to me no matter what. You are a leader but I don't listen to a Galra", Kane said with a smirk. "And what would happen if we won't listen to you?", Krolia asked her. "Well you die and I won't help you if someone catch you. Believe me you don't want to meet Deathwish by accident". Kolivan and Krolia looked at each other and took a deep breath. "Well for what are we waiting for? Let's go", Kane said with anger.

Krolia, Kolivan and Kane left the meeting room. After couple of second of silent Lance stood up to speak. "So... this is what you wanted to speak about?". Shiro stood a sigh. "yes". "how did you find her? and how she become like that?", Lance asked in curiosity. "She crashed here two weeks ago... And we have no idea why she behaves like that". When Lance heard those world he felt sadness fill him. "Well at least the real Keith hasn't seen her yet. It would kill him to see her like that". "Yeah we know. At lest we have more time to plan how we gonna tell him right?", Pidge said. "Yes you're right", Lance said with sadness in his voice.

Meanwhile, Krolia, Kolivan and Kane were on a mission to save Keith from the prison the rest of team Voltron including Matt were on the meeting room.

"So..." Pidge started to speak. "What are we gonna do about... well you know".
"I have no idea", Shiro said with sadness.
It took Lance a couple of minutes to recover from the knocked out he got from Kane earlier. "Wait. So you tell me that this woman was Kane?", he said after he was taken out from the zone.
Shiro sighed and said "unfortunately . It's her".
"But how? Kane was the sweetest girl and now she so badass. Like I'm mean she was a badass before she was capture but now she is ten times more."
"We know Lance. And think about that apparently she was a prisoner of the Galras for at least ten years so it make sense ", Pidge said.
Lance sighed, "I just wish she will behave differently when she sees Keith again. Because if she won't it will break is heart".
Shiro put a hand on Lance's shoulder, "I know... because of that we need to think of a plan how to tell Keith".
"And how we gonna tell him that his sister call herself Nightmare now.", Matt said.
Then the door opened and Axca, Ezor and Zhaphir came to the room. "Did you say Nightmare?", Zhapir asked in fear.
"Um... yeah. Do you know her?", Lance asked.
"Well... you can say it".
"Wow I wonder where has she been after her last time in the arena?", Ezor said.
"Really Ezor? If she sees us she will kill us!", Axca screamed.
"What do you mean she will kill you? And what do you mean 'after her last time in the arena?'", Lance asked. "So you do know her?", Pidge said.
"Yes we do. And she can't see us here.", Axca said.
"Why can't she?", Matt asked in wonder.
"Well... she hates all the Galra empire so... She gonna hate us".
"And why she can't see you?"
"Because she can kill us in couple of seconds", Zaphir said with fear.
"So. It was good conversion but we have to go before she'll come back", Axca said and all of them arid to the door. Lance opened his mouth to speak but he wasn't fast enough they already left the room. Everybody then turn toward Matt. "What? Why all of you looking at me?". "Well apparently you are the only one who knew her after she was free. So, do you know about her last battle in the arena?", Pidge said.
"No. I don't. I don't know anything about her except her name and why she didn't want to join the Reibels ."
"And why she didn't want to join the Reibels? She could get herself free.", Shiro asked.
"She only told me that she has some kind of plan that she need to finish. But she never told me what it was".
Then, a window came on the screen. It was Krolia. "We got Keith. But he need to be in mad bay as soon as possible".
Shiro got up and said "Don't worry we get everything ready before you'll arrive". And by that the rest of team Voltron went from the room.

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