Chapter 24

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The next morning everybody was in the meeting room to figure out how to find Kane's lion. The room was filled with a lot of computers and tach and everybody tried hard to find any single about the lion.

They been there for hours but then one of the Galra spotted a single "Commander we found a single. It appear to be the single of the lion". Ragna got closer to the screen but she immediately felt that something is wrong. "Prepare a pod". "Excuse me Commander?". "I said prepared a pod immediately".
"Why something is wrong?", Pidge asked. "I don't know, but I have a bad feeling about it".

After half a varga the lion landed but something felt off. The mouth of the lion opened but it wasn't Nightmare who came out but Deathwish holding Nightmare in his hand bridal style. "Come quickly", Regna screamed towards her brother. She didn't even care about seeing her bother after so long. She only cared about Nightmare. They ran to the mad bay and Deathwish put Nightmare slowly and carefully in the healing pod.

After couple of minutes of total shock. Deathwish was aware to his environment . "What happened?", Greeny asked worried.
"I don't know. It just when I woke up I saw her near death. I just entered to the lion and flew here", Deathwish said in shock.
Regna looked at Krolia, Kolivan and Keith "Okay, I think the rest of us should go now".

Everybody turned toward the door and was about to leave the room but then Deathwish returned back to reality and said with sorrow in his voice looking at Krolia and Kolivan "I think that it wouldn't be wise if she wakes up and see Galras".
"And why do you think that?", Krolia asked. "Because she saw all what the Galra ever did to her in the place we were". Krolia looked at the sleeping form of her daughter and then at Keith "Inform us if something happen Okay?".
"Of course mom.", then Kroila, Kolivan, Ragne and Deathwish came out of the room. Leaving Keith all by his own.

Regna entered to the room where the rest of the group has waited. She looked with sad expression around the room but she didn't find her brother. "He went out", Greeny said with sadness in his voice. "I'll go check on him".

Regna looked everywhere for her brother but she did not found him. She looked in the command room, meeting room, the arena and even near Nightmare's lion but he was nowhere.
She knew one more place that he could be. And there he was. Sitting on the edge of the Cliff looking at the horizon. 'He look so tens' she thought for herself.

She hesitated at first but after couple of ticks she began to walk toward him, but at the second she started to walk Deathwish got up and ran toward her. he hugged her so hard that she couldn't breath. "Hey, you hugging me to hard", Regna said with chocking voice. Deathwish relax his grip a little but he didn't let her go.
"I missed you so much", he whispered in her ear. "I know I missed you to", she said and tears began to fall. They been in the same pose for couple more ticks and pulled back.

Now sitting on the edge of the cliff looking on the wide horizon they could relax for a bit and catch up but they were to concern about Nightmare. "So... what happened to you all this years", Deathwish asked. "Well, after we were separated the Galra sent me to work for them but when I grew older they wanted me to fight in the arena with some others. But don't worry I never got to fight in the arena, all thanks to Nightmare. Because of her all of us here. She saved and protect not just me but the others as well. After she rescued us and brought us here I became a Commander and teacher for the little ones".
Deathwish had a smirk on his face "so now I supposed that I need to call you Commander Tiny" they chuckle on the name. "Well. You can if you want but promise me that you won't call me that near the little ones. After hearing it they won't stop".
"We have a deal".
"So... what happened to you all those years?", Regna asked her brother.
"I don't know where to begin with. Short story long I was in the arena until Nightmare won me. Then I came to a high secured prison and there I met Greeny and Gunshot. Years has passed and then Nightmare came". When Deathwish said her name he felt sadness grew inside him. He couldn't imagine a world without her, he just couldn't.

Regna spotted her brother's sorrow and she felt bad for him. She gave him a slight push on his shoulder. "Hey. I know that you worry about her a lot. I worried about her too but, she the strongest earthling I have ever met. She going to pull through this". "I know but she went through so much pain all those years... I just afraid that she doesn't have enough power to fight now".
Regna took a deep breath and sighed "Look. She will pull through this. I know that you afraid she doesn't have enough power to fight like I do but, we need to hope that she does. That's the only thing that we could do for her".

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