Chapter 23

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Keith wonder around and saw Ragna sitting alone on the edge of the cliff looking at the horizon. The sun of the plant just set down. Keith didn't know what to do. He didn't want to interrupt her but he also wanted to know more about his sister. What was she like in prison and the only one he knew that knows his sister it was Ragna.
"Are you going to sit down with me and watch the sunset or you going to stair at me like some weirdo and keep wondering about what you wondering right now", Ragna said without looking at him. Keith came and sat next to her. "How did you know it was me?".
"Well I was trained by Kolivon so I learn a thing or two".
"Yes. It was a dump question to ask"
"No it's not. There is not such a thing as a dump question so feel free to ask whatever you like".
Keith look at Ragna and then back at the horizon "Can I ask you something?"
"What was my sister like when you met her?". Ragna looked down for a bit and took a big sigh "She was the best alien that I ever met. She always tried to make me happy when I was sad, she kept telling me stories about what her life was like when she was young. It relaxed me all the time. She also kept me safe when the guards wanted to hurt me or punish me. She always defended me and she never let them touch me. She got hurt because she defended me but, she all the time said that it's just a scratch and that she is fine. She all the time helped me when I had nightmares... Sorry fo rumbling I just miss her", Ragna said the last part with cracked voice.
"Thank you for letting me know. I know it may seem odd to ask you this but... Do you think she hate me?".
"Hate you? Why would she hate you?"
"I said to her some horrible stuff and I think she hates me now", Keith said with sadness.
"Okay. First I don't know what you said to her but you are dump. Second, she will never hate you I mean it. Every time since she told me about her home planet she always talked about you. She talked only about you and how a great brother you were to her and I can tell you that sometimes when she thought I was sleeping she cried silently not to wake me up and she all the time said that she is so sorry about something that she did to you. I tried to ask her couple of times about what those she mean but she never told me. So no. I don't think that she hates you. No matter what happened between you two I'm sure that the second she saw you she wanted to hug you and never let go but she was focused on her plan and because of that she didn't. I can tell you that even that I angry at Kolivon for what he did to me, my family and most of the blades I still love him. So I'm sure that she loves you a lot and when she'll return from the place she in right now she would give you the biggest hug that you could ever asked for". Ragna looked at Keith and he was smiling.
"Thank you. Thank you so much".
"You welcome. And if you need to talk more you can find me here".

Keith stood up and started to go to his and his husband room. He open the door and Lance was surprised Keith had a smile on his face. A thing that he miss so long to see. "So... I see the time outside did some good to you", Lance said and after that he kissed Keith's chick. "Yes it did. I found Ragna and she told about how Kane was in prison. It makes me feel much batter". "Good I'm happy that it help so we are going to sleep now". "Yes".

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