Chapter 21

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Lance started to wake up. He felt slight headache but he could live with that. Then everyone woke up. Keith tried to sit himself up on the bad but he hissed.
He removed the blanket and saw that at the same place he was hurt by Kane Bayard he had bandages on it. "Where are we?", Kolivan asked not knowing where all of them where. "I don't know",Shiro said.
Then the door opened and a Galra came through it. Kolivan act fast and try to knock the figure to the ground but the figure was stronger than him and them knock him down. "Wow. Did you forget who you tech?".
"Where are we?", Keith asked while trying to stand up. The Galra girl spotted him and screamed at him while gazing him "SIT DOWN!". Keith didn't think twice and he already did it.
"Where are we?", Lance asked.
"You're safe".
"Commander Ragna we can't reach the lion", Some manly voice said trough the coms. "Keep searching the lion".
"What do you want from my SISTER?", Keith screamed at the commander while trying to stand up again. "First of all, SIT DOWN! Secondly, we want nothing from your sister except from thanking her".
"Wait what do you mean?", Pidge asked. "She saved us", the commander said. "What do you mean by 'us'?", Hunk asked. "She saved all of the people you see on this plant. And if you want to eat feel free to come to our couch room". "Thank you", Pidge said. The commander was on her way out of the room but Kolivon grabbed her wrist "You have to tell me. It because of me you were in the prison?". "Yes", she said coldly and left.

After an our everybody came to the couch room and had food. "I know it's not good but that's what we have". Hunk stooped eating and looked at the commander "it's grate. Thank you". "So what should we call you", Keith asked. "You can call me Ragna".
"Well Ragna how many people live here?", Lance asked. "Well, last time we checked we had two thousand in here. But a week ago there came another group that Night Night saved so I don't know for sure how much now."
"Wait who is Night Night?", Keith asked.
"Well as I said earlier all who lived on this planet saved by your sister. And Night Night was how the young one call her".
"Wait you should have been very young if she let you call her by nick names", Lance said. Ragna looked at the floor "Yes... I was six when I met Night Night".
"Wait you were six?", Pidge asked. "yes and unfortunately I was not the youngest. But never mind that we need to train the young ones". Everybody stood up even Keith. "Keith I need to tell you something before we go and meet the others".
"What is it?", Keith asked. "It just that...", she took a sigh. "You look like her when most of us last saw her. so... just be prepared to be called names". Keith look sad but he understood.

All of the group went outside to the planet. The ground was black but there was a lot of buildings. They were also children playing with each other. They look so happy. "So... How many Blades did she saved?", Krolia asked Ragna. "All you see in front of you".
"Wow, she must has saved hundreds", Hunk said with amazed. "Thousand".
"What? How did she rescue so much?", Lance asked. "I don't know. She just saved us while she risk her own skin. Because of that we want to thank her for all she've done for us".
"When did you last saw her", Shiro asked quietly. "each one of us were rescued in different time but the last time I saw her, was fourteen years ago. We thought that she had died but a week ago a group of Blade of Marmora prisoners arrived. But it was strange they told us that they called her Empress". "She is an Empress now. She have the symbol of the Empire", Kolivan said sadly.
"Wait. What?". Ragna stopped for a minutes and then chuckle a bit while saying "well I guess her plan did work after all".
"Wait what plan?", Matt asked her. "Well... She didn't told me much but when she rescue me and others she told me not to worry and that she had a plan to take the Empire down. When I asked her about it she told me that she need to reach to higher ranks for the plan to work. I never believed that she will reach to the title Empress".
"Wait and she told you all of this fourteen years ago?", Matt asked in surprise. Ragna nodded to him. "Wow... she is genus. She had all of this planed out since the beginning". "Yeah, she is", Ragna said.

They came to a huge arena. "This is the training deck. I know it not so good but this is what we got", Ragna explain to everyone. Two young teenagers Galra girls came running toward them and they screamed "You finally found her Commander!". They kept going toward Keith but Ragna stopped them. She look at them with sad faces and said "He is not Night Night". "Wait since when Night Night is a boy?", one girl asked. "Wait Night Night had a brother?", the other asked. "Yes. Night Night has a brother and his name his Keith. Everyone meet Yorka and Anka. Yorka, Anka meet team Voltron". Yorka eyes glowed and she jumped up and down from excitement "I can't believe it that I see team Voltron in front of me". "Can I please have a signegure on my blade", Anka said with excitement. "Okay little ones. Let them have some space. I promise you that after they will get a little rest they gonna tell you all about there adventures. Okay".
"Okay", the two girls said disappointment. "Now. Go train" and Anka and Yorka went to train. "Wow they really like Voltron", Lance said. "Yes sorry about that I needed to warn you about it. It just that every Blaid heard the legend of Voltron since they are babies. We grew up by knowing that until Voltron come to save the universe it going to be our job to help the universe".

Now the group came to a huge building with a lot of doors. "This your place to sleep. Choose whatever room that you like. There is plenty of rooms in here so don't be shy". "Thank you for your hospitality", Shiro said with a smile. "You welcome. And Keith you need to bandage your wound once a day". "Don't worry. I'll make sure he'll do it", Lance said.

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