Chapter 5

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Two days had passed and everyone was in the meeting room to discuss about Kane and what should they do before the Blades comets Atlas. And then the door opened and the doctor broke through, "I tried to stop her but she didn't listen". Shiro stood up immediately "Where is she?".
"We don't know. We search everywhere but we haven't found her yet".
"I think I know where she is", Shiro said. Everyone there was in the room followed Shiro.

Shiro walked to the training deck. "Why do we walk to the training deck Shiro?", Pidge asked with a curiosity voice. "If she is like Keith, She will be on the training deck". We arrived and opened the door. She just stood on the middle of the room. All of them was confused but Shiro was the first one to speak. "Um... What are you doing?". Kane didn't turn around to the voice but she asked coldly "What is the highest level?".
"Um... level 273. Why?".
"Start training sequence level 273!", she screamed.

A giant bot dropped from the celling. He was huge at least four meters with a huge sword. Kane looked like a bug near him and she had no weapon. Shiro opened his mouth to stop the training sequence but he was to slow. Kane had already taken it down. Everyone looked in shocked. "Are you sure is this the highest level at the adult and not at the children level?", she asked and then turned around to see them. All of them looked at her with shocking faces. "What? Why all of you look at me like I just finish a fight with eight gladiators with orbs", she said coldly but with a chuckle. "Um... it just that no one ever succeeded to win this level before... And you did... in just two seconds...", Shiro said in shock.
"Well I'm not no one right?".
Nobody knew what to say. After few seconds of silent someone came through the door "Commander Shirogane the blades have arrived". Shiro felt a cold shiver going down his spine 'how can I tell Keith about that?', 'how will he handle after he see her?'.
"um... Sir?".
"Oh yeah yeah. Let's go welcome them". Shiro then node to Matt and walked through the door.

Matt was the only one to stay with Kane. He didn't know what to say to her.
"So... How do you prefer us to call you? Kane or Nightmare?". Kane looked surprised to hear her old name again. "I prefer Nightmare. Rebel", she said coldly.
Matt looked surprised by hearing the nickname she gave him so long ago again. "So... Nightmare. What do you want to do now?", Matt asked curios. "Well you said that the blade came. I want to meet them".
"I don't think it would be wise. What other think yo-". Nightmare cut Matt in the middle and started to ran toward the meeting room "It was not a question Rebel" she screamed to Matt.
Matt couldn't do anything else rather then ran after her.

The plan - Voltron fan fictions Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang