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Chapter 33: Sheng Jing Mine, Part 3

Liu Xiao swiftly drew his sword from its scabbard, unleashing six to ten powerful waves of orange spiritual qi. The jewel on his forehead emitted a radiant orange glow, accompanied by a resonant, clinging sound. In an instant, numerous flying and crawling ants were cleaved into pieces, yet more swarmed out from the shadows, seemingly endless.

"Bow." commanded Wu Qingge succinctly. The black lotus flower emerged from his body, shrouded in a black-purple shadow that morphed into a longbow. A small black lotus adorned the center of its grip, while its upper and lower limbs were jet-black. The bowstring shimmered like crystal purple, and both sides of its riser emitted a majestic and demonic purple radiance.

"Gege, stay behind me," Wu Qingge insisted, reaching for Liu Xiao's arms. However, Liu Xiao shook his head and responded, "Didn't I tell you? I'll assist you. I'm not helpless."

Left in astonishment, Wu Qingge watched as Liu Xiao leaped onto the crawling ants and bellowed, "You handle the flying insects! I'll deal with these!" Initially stunned, Wu Qingge soon sported a small grin and murmured softly to himself, "This is why I love—"

"Huh? Did you say something?" called out Liu Xiao from a distance. Wu Qingge simply smiled and shook his head, then gazed indifferently at the flying ants. Their red eyes burned with hostility towards Wu Qingge, marking him as a formidable threat. Emitting a piercing shriek, they dove towards Wu Qingge in an aggressive swarm.

Wu Qingge calmly stretched the bowstring, and a glowing purple arrow materialized on its rest. Releasing the string, his eyes emitted a red gleam as the solitary purple arrow multiplied into hundreds, impaling the bodies of the swarming flying ants.

Isn't that too much cheating?! Σ (゚Д゚;)

As Liu Xiao observed Wu Qingge release an arrow that suddenly split into hundreds, his attention was drawn to several ants scurrying towards him at an alarming speed. Adopting a crouched stance, Liu Xiao whisked through them like a gust of wind. His sword's tip grazed the ants' heads, and in the blink of an eye, their heads were severed from their bodies.

Wu Qingge's arrow, formed from his demonic energy, impaled each airborne ant, while Liu Xiao's blade decapitated every ground-based ant. However, the more they slaughtered, the more ants emerged from the darkness. Growing impatient, Liu Xiao leaped onto the roof of a small teahouse. He then channeled spiritual energy into his dimension ring and summoned Wen Yong.

"You're under my command now! Assist me in exterminating these creatures!" Liu Xiao commanded Wen Yong, gesturing towards the shrieking ants below.

"YOU BASTARD! RELEASE ME FROM YOUR SOUL-BINDING TECHNIQUE! I REFUSE TO BE ENSLAVED!" Wen Yong protested vehemently, his green serpentine form writhing and hissing.

"Quickly! Observe the ants! If I die, you die as well! Consider this!" Liu Xiao retorted.

When Shi Xuan-Wu Qingge and Wen Yong were on the verge of a confrontation within the expansive manor, Liu Xiao employed a soul-binding technique on him. Their souls became intertwined; should Liu Xiao perish, Wen Yong would meet the same fate. The Soul Binding Technique's authority rested with the initiator; essentially, the initiator ruled as the master, while the recipient became subservient.

The master could choose to share their emotions or pain with their subordinate at will. However, there was one immutable law to the soul-binding technique: should the master expire, the subordinate would follow suit. Nonetheless, this mystical bond could be dissolved with the master's consent.

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