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Chapter 55: The Empire of Wan Rong, Part 1

Liu Xiao stirred with a soft groan as he gradually regained consciousness, his eyes blinking open to take in his surroundings. Slowly rising to his feet, he reached down to retrieve his sword resting nearby. The chamber he found himself in was spacious, adorned with walls painted in a blend of white and deep brown hues. Gentle drafts caused the curtains to sway lightly, while a sizable wooden bed occupied a prominent space, large enough to accommodate several people at once.

Following the mermaid's demise, Liu Xiao proceeded to the grand hall, carefully placing the radiant pearl beneath the shimmering chandelier. As the pearl released its luminous energy, a radiant aura surged upward, spreading across the ocean like a protective beacon, breathing life into the once desolate depths. Soon after, the Sea Kings arrived, revealing that they had been held captive by the Sea Serpent upon discovering mortals within the Water Palace. Grief-stricken by their master's passing, they listened as Liu Xiao conveyed the mermaid's final wish to safeguard the ocean, finally liberated to chart their own course.

Fatigued from the prolonged battle and lack of rest, Liu Xiao made his way back to the highest floor of the Water Palace, where Wu Qingge and the others awaited. His body weary, his vision began to blur as he neared them, ultimately collapsing into Wu Qingge's arms as unconsciousness overtook him.

As he stood before the door, Liu Xiao closed his eyes, attuning himself to his spiritual core. Finding it still only half-full, he pondered whether it was due to his flawed summoning of Huangtian or simply from exhaustion. Opening his eyes once more, he secured his sword at his waist and called out, "Wu Shidi?"

Receiving no response, Liu Xiao pushed open the door before him, revealing yet another doorway opposite. Ambling forward, he marveled at the inn-like interior, taking in the opulent furnishings and decorative elements. "It seems I've stumbled upon a luxurious abode," he murmured to himself, casting his gaze over the intricate porcelain vase and the captivating painting adorning the walls. "Wu Shidi?" he called out again, his voice echoing through the elegant chambers.

"Gege? What are you doing there? Go inside."

Liu Xiao glanced back as Wu Qingge approached, bearing a tray laden with food in both hands. His stomach rumbled at the sight, and he couldn't help but smile gratefully as Wu Qingge led him back into the inn. "Where did you disappear to?" Liu Xiao inquired, his gaze fixed hungrily on the array of dishes.

Having gone without a proper meal for the past two days, he recalled the last sustenance he'd consumed—a meager serving of crackers at a nameless tavern in the distant town. Wu Qingge deftly arranged the bowls and plates on the table, explaining, "I went to the inn's kitchen to request the chef prepare something for you."

Amusement flickered across Liu Xiao's features. "Ah, so Wu Shidi isn't versed in cooking?" he teased lightly. Wu Qingge, though, seemed momentarily crestfallen at the jest. "This Shidi will endeavor to learn," he responded earnestly.

Liu Xiao chuckled, offering a reassuring pat on Wu Qingge's shoulder. "No need for that! You're fine just as you are. Cooking doesn't quite suit you—that's more of a wife's job!" The words slipped out before he could stop them, and he hastily cleared his throat, shifting his attention to the food before him.

Taking up his chopsticks, he reached for a dish that caught his eye. "Ah, dumplings! How nostalgic!" he remarked softly. Dumplings were a comfort food he'd learned to prepare himself, a skill acquired from late-night cravings when neither his mother nor his elder brother were available to cook. It's weird, right? Eating dumplings as a midnight snack.

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