This is my way

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"Lexa!" Leoni shouted, storming into the palace

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"Lexa!" Leoni shouted, storming into the palace.

"LEXA!" she yelled searching for her friend

"Leok! I'm here" Lexa shouted back from her bedroom. She stood up from her desk as Leoni rushed in. The blonde stood, catching her breath.

"Sweet Becca we have a lot of stairs" Leoni bent over, puffing heavily. Lexa walked towards her placing her hands on Leoni's arms and making her stand straight

"Leok you've been gone for 2 days! What happened?!" Lexa asked frantically

"I was gone for two days?" Leoni frowned hazily

"Leoni? Leoni!" Lexa used the girls real name out of worry. Leoni's eyes rolled back and she collapsed into Lexa's arms out of pure exhaustion, blood loss and hunger.

After a few hours of much needed rest Leoni started to come around. She was in Lexa's arms which wasn't rare for the two, this was how most mornings looked. As the memory of the past 2 days flooded back to her, Leoni started to get panicked, breathing heavily and looking around in great panic

"Hey hey hey! You're good don't worry you're safe" Lexa said in a hushed tone that made Leoni instantly relax.

"Tell me what happened."

After a day of information dumping the sun was starting to set. Lexa sat across the mapping table from Leoni looking concentrated down at the map they had used to draw out the Sky People's camp.

"They are too far close to Trikru territory we have to attack" Lexa shook her head in defeat

"Heda please! These are my people!" Leoni begged standing up from her seat

"Leok this isn't my first choice it's a last resort"

"Since when were we at our last resort! Don't do this, don't eliminate them"

"And what do you suggest I do instead?" Lexa now rose to Leoni's eye level in anger

"Bargain for peace"

"Anya tried that we ended up with 4 men dead! Then we tried to march they blew up a bridge and killed more. Now, they have guns Leok. That's what you missed while you were being held captive by the same people who you now want to save!"

"They have my Dad! My father is on their ship! My family is alive! In space!"

"No Leoni! Your family is here! Your father abandoned you!" Lexa slammed her hands on the table. She dropped into English so Leoni wouldn't loose a single thing in translation

"He sent you to die! The only reason you didn't is because our people believe you are from Becca and hell maybe you are but sky people are now a threat! They made three strikes against us and we let them, now it's time to assert our power! They are not your people Leok! They are not your family, I am your family!" Lexa snapped making Leoni step back, coming back to her senses

"We will send scouts then we attack! Do I make myself CLEAR" Leoni stayed silent. She nodded, sliding back into her seat. It was not her place to oppose Lexa no matter how much she wanted to. She had pledged her loyalty and she couldn't take that back. Not now. Not ever.

"we attack in two days. i'll expect you to fight by my side Leok do you understand that?" Lexa lowered her voice again sitting in the chair nearest Leoni

"of course Heda. I will be by your side" Leoni met Lexa's gaze, tone softened

"I will always be by your side"

"You will not betray your people" Lexa reminded

"You will not put everything we have built at risk."

"No, I won't. But Lincoln is still trapped there! You have to let me save him" Leoni looked at her commander pleadingly

"Your thinking is wishful Leok. In the end it will be my way." Lexa shook her head disapprovingly. Lexa signalled for guards to take Leoni back to her room and the girl obliged. She planned on sneaking out at first light to get back to the camp. She had to save Lincoln, just as she'd promised. The guards closed the door behind Leoni and there was silence until an unmistakable click. The lock had been turned.

"wait...NO WAIT!" Leoni banged on the door, the realisation of being stuck in her room sent shivers up her spine

"LET ME OUT! LET ME OUT RIGHT NOW!" Leoni screamed banging on the door with everything she had. Her plan was to go and rescue Lincoln, he was still captive

"This is my way" Lexa called making Leoni quiet. All hope was lost. She slid down the door feeling helpless. After everything Lincoln had done for her, here she was abandoning him. A cold breeze hit her face and within a split second Leoni was looking at the window.

"When God closer a door he opens a window" Leoni breathed. It was a phrase her Dad used to use and the girl must have managed to pick it up at the age of 5. She rushed over to the window which was more of a gap covered by curtains. The glass had shattered a long time ago which was no doubt Leoni's doing. She looked down from the window, it was a long way but all she had to do was get into the next window and escape through the door of whatever room was below her. Without a second thought Leoni was on the ledge carefully lowering herself down. She leaped into the agape window that stood in front of her, she found herself in the throne room, Leoni quickly rushed out the door and down to the stables. Before she knew it she was riding towards the camp with no plan and only one intention. Leoni arrived at the camp in half the time it would normally take her. She walked up to the front gate

"Becca help me" Leoni breathed before raising her hands in surrender at the maybe 10 soldiers that had guns aimed at her from behind the wall.

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