Do you though?

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As Leoni walked into the Ark Clarke and Bellamy jogged to keep up with her stride

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As Leoni walked into the Ark Clarke and Bellamy jogged to keep up with her stride

"So when are they coming for him, how do we get him out?" Bellamy asked assuming she would help Finn

"Who." Leoni stated rather than asked clearly not interested

"Finn..." Bellamy answered with a hint of uncertainty

"Oh I'm not here for him I'm here for Lincoln" Leoni shrugged not daring to meet Bellamy's eyes in fear she would crumble under them

"You're not going to help us?" Bellamy demanded stopping in front of her barring the girl from getting past

"I'd help you all day long but Finn has to pay" Leoni explained as if the whole thing was clear as day

"He didn't mean it" Clarke intervened making Leoni turn to face her

"How do you accidentally assassinate an entire village? Children and all?"

"He was upset!"

"Oh well that changes things" Leoni nodded her head sarcastically but Clarke didn't get the hint


"No! He killed a baby!"Leoni explained angrily before pushing past Bellamy to find Lincoln
"LINCOLN LETS MOVE!" she yelled impatiently. She had decided it was best to get out of the lions den as quickly as possible

"What happened to us being your blood? You can't just abandon him!" Bellamy protested following tight behind her

"I can do whatever I want-LINCOLN!" she continued walking opening doors and trying to find her friend

"He doesn't deserve this he's a good person!" Clarke protested

"If he didn't deserve it I wouldn't be standing by-LINCOLN I SWEAR TO GOD"

"You can't actually be serious right now!" Bellamy grabbed her arm but Leoni shrugged out of his grip

"Oh I'm deadly serious, I'll be taking the first two cuts to avenge the names of the sick mother and 2 month baby he burned!" She blurted our before realising what she'd said

"You're participating?" Bellamy stopped walking in a state of shock that tugged at Leoni's heart strings
"And don't give me the 'it's my duty' bullshit" Bellamy sneered

"You're's my choice...and my duty but that's not the point, I stand by my decision and my people! I won't kill him because that blood belongs to Heda. But I will get justice for those two souls who have no one else to get justice for them!"
Leoni turned into another room looking for Lincoln but this time she was pushed in further and the door slammed behind her. She snapped around to come face to face with Bellamy.

"What are you doing" he asked quietly

"Avenging my people-"

"Cut the crap!" Bellamy snapped aggressively shoving her to the wall his hands either side of her shoulders so she couldn't get out

"There is no crap that's the truth" Leoni stood proudly even pinned against a wall
"I want this truce as much as you, this is the way and I respect that! We could and should be asking for a lot more!"
Bellamy banged his fist against the wall in anger but Leoni didn't so much as blink

"He helped you and you're just got gonna to let him die"

"Jus Drein Jus Daun" Leoni shrugged emotionless

"you keep saying that i don't even know what it means?"

"it means blood must have blood" Bellamy faltered slightly

"things don't have to paid for in blood" Bellamy let his arms fall but didn't distance himself

"how else would we get revenge..." Leoni trailed off without even realising it. she drowned in his eyes and didn't stop herself

"this isn't who you are you don't kill people for no reason or else you would've killed me the second we met!" his eyes flickered down to her lips for a split second before going back to her own blue eyes

"it is who i am it's exactly who i am it's kinda the only reason I am who I am!" Leoni tore her eyes away from him and turned her head uselessly because within an instant Bellamy had brought up his hand and turned her to face him again, running a thumb over her check and getting closer

"no it's not-"

"you don't know me! stop pretending to know me! stop trying to turn me into some space princess" she snapped pushing him away from her, she didn't like the fluttery feeling he seemed to put in her stomach! She was going to storm out but Bellamy tripped her up before catching her and pinning the girl to the ground.

"i know you well enough" he smirked. Leoni rolled her eyes before using all her weight to flip him over onto his back now her knees falling either side of his waist

"do you though?" she narrowed her eyes standing up and walking back towards the door when she was pulled back by the collar of her shirt and Bellamy stood against the door blocking her in

"yeah i do!" Leoni elbowed him in the ribs sending him to the side but he wrapped his arms around her and pulled the girl with him as they crashed into the floor again after a lot of hitting and scratching Leoni was on top of Bellamy again with her arm to his throat

"you kissed me once that doesn't mean you're the expert on all things me!" Leoni finished catching her breath as she relaxed and sat up on the boys lap. Bellamy looked at her for a second before sitting up, grabbing her face and kissing her. she pulled away quickly
"you can't fix everything like..." Leoni looked at him, taking in everything about him and the look of sincerity that spread across his eyes
"i can't do anything about Finn i'm sorry" she whispered letting her guard drop completely
"and i won't try to prevent what's going to happen no matter how many times you kiss me" she shook her head

"he did kinda screw up" Bellamy laughed lightly playing with the ends of Leoni's hair

"and i'm not saying that he deserves to die but someone has to and what he did was wrong and had even worse consequences" Leoni shrugged helplessly

"we need him though" Bellamy protested his hands falling to her waist

"no...this is the way." Leoni shook her head as her hand came up to play with the collar of his shirt his shirt
"And you can hate me for that but this kind of way has worked since the days of Becca herself."
She started to get up but Bellamy's sudden grip around her waist prevented her from doing so

"Leoni I em..." Bellamy started nervously

"Hesitation leads to death" Leoni sighed impatiently. Bellamy shook his head deciding he would say something else instead

"We'll put up a fight " he nodded, pulling a tight lipped smile

"Wouldn't have it any other way" Leoni smiled before leaning forward and kissing his cheek softly
"However I do have a traitor I gotta give a kick in the ass so I need to go" she got up and then helped Bellamy

"Why can't you just stay? Your Dad is here, we'll teach you all kinds of things you won't learn as a grounder" Bellamy grabbed her hand, running his thumb across her knuckles. He felt weak around her, soft, gentle, cautious. Leoni didn't realise it but Bellamy was falling for her like crazy

"Because I am not a sky person I am Trikru and that is the way it has to be until the truce at least." Leoni nodded turning to leave before Bellamy pulled her back, pressing his lips against hers, she clutched his cheeks as fireworks went off in her mind. When she pulled away he simply smiled at her before letting Leoni go

"Be safe" he nodded as she opened the door

"We need to work on this letting me leave thing" Leoni smiled before leaving the lovestruck Bellamy alone with his thoughts.

What do you think Bellamy was gonna say?
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