For the record, im not a sky person!

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After some time of trecking the group made it to 'Camp Jaha'

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After some time of trecking the group made it to 'Camp Jaha'

"holy shit" Leoni whispered, looking at what was left of the ark. It stood tall in front of her, she had never seen anything quite like it!

"welcome home" Finn said sarcastically at Leoni's side

"i don't know if i can go in" she whispered truthfully back to the boy. she hesitated at the front entrance feeling suddenly alone amongst her people- her blood.

"come on Leoni, you've come all this way-"

"i need to get back to Lexa" she shook her head.
"but i need to know if Octavia is ok" the girl big her lip, torn between her two lives, her blood or her people! her father or her family!

"Leoni! come!" Kane commanded from inside, he smiled warmly at her beckoning the girl to follow his action

"um" the girl looked to the forest behind her. she wasn't really sure why she came in then first place it had all just happened so quickly! She never meant to get this involved, she just wanted to make sure they didn't die and get out of there!

"Hey" Finn snapped his fingers in her face making Leoni look at the boy and snap out of her trance
"regardless of where you think you should be, you need to get your leg checked out! at least get better then i will personally escort you back to your commander if that's what you want" he tilted his head pleadingly. He seemed to care and that feeling was still new to the grounder. Leoni looked at the boy trying to call his bluff but there was none to be called out

"why do you care so much" Leoni asked quietly ignoring her fathers ongoing calls for her to come in

"We're blood right! sky people gotta stick together" he smirked, bumping her shoulder with his own. Leoni rolled her eyes playfully

"for the record, i'm not a sky person!" Leoni scoffed lightheartedly

"You're father would disagree" Finn scoffed throwing a quick look to the man who was still beckoning like a mad man

"That's not the man I left on the Ark. My Dad wouldn't just brush us off like that and he wouldn't have snapped at me either! I the man I left was fair and just and didn't ask questions outside of his jurisdiction." The girl shook her head in sorrow
"Death of his wife then his son then his daughter is plummeted into space. Must've recked the guy!"

"It must've recked you!" Finn corrected
"Leoni that's really awful. If you ever need-"

"Not here for therapy Finn save me the lecture" she raised a hand at him forgetting that these people didn't care for her authority or title so Finn kept talking as he pulled her hand away from his face

"All I'm saying is you've more than proven yourself. You have my loyalty" Finn smiled sympathetically

"Thanks Collins" Leoni nodded in approval

"Now will you please come in and get the leg fixed?" He raised his brows

"Fine" Leoni decided reluctantly. She started to limp towards her father before completely collapsing, Finn caught her and she could see Bellamy trying to get to her aid from the guard that had him but it was no use.

"woah woah you ok?" Finn asked worriedly

"yeah I'm good, give me a carry?" Leoni tried to smile but it didn't really work. Finn scooped the girl up and with Kane and Abby as escorts she was rushed towards the Ark. she was in a lot of pain but still managed to stifle a smile as she was carried passed Bellamy. Every Ark Citizen had their eyes trained on Leoni Kane which was another feeling she'd have to get used to. within minutes of her collapsing Leoni was on a bed staring at the ceiling with gritted teeth both from the pain of whatever medicine was being used on her leg and the fact it was Abby applying such medicine

"Leoni I-" the doctor started, nothing but regret in her eyes but Leoni didn't look at her. She couldn't bare to

"Stop. I don't need your pity or your sorrow. Just fix my leg so I can get out of here" she snapped but deep down she was hurting. Really deeply hurting. Leoni had always had this vision of reuniting with her mother father and brother and someone saying surprise it was all a sick joke! Seeing Abby's face instead of theirs just added insult to injury

"Well you've got it." Abby's voice shook making Leoni aware to the fact the doctor was on the brink of tears
"Wether you want it or not I am so sorry for what I did to Grace if I had known I-"

"What?" Leoni scoffed
"If you'd known you would've what? Killed her and my father before locking me up with my brother?"
Leoni shook her head, biting the inside of her cheek in frustration and pain

"I understand you hate me, hell I hate myself, but my daughter is missing. I know she's not dead, I just know it and we need you to get her back" Abby begged as silent tears rolled down her cheeks

"I will help. Not for you or your daughter but for the kids who were torn away from their parents just like me. My blood!" Leoni dismissed and Abby didn't retort with questions or pleading.

"You're leg will be good to go tomorrow if you rest tonight" she said quietly before leaving. When she heard the door shut Leoni sat up looking around at where she should've spent her childhood. Marcus didn't want his daughter in the hospital in fear of an Ark member getting the wrong idea and attacking her so instead she was in a bedroom. She looked around as tears welled up in her eyes. She hadn't cried since the last time she was on the ark after finding out her Mum was dead. It had been over a decade since tears last left the young warriors eyes. Her hand closed around her locket while another one ran down her back over the bumps of the scars she had to deal with.

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