Now let me live it

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The warriors of the 12 clans marched upon the ground that the Sky People had stolen

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The warriors of the 12 clans marched upon the ground that the Sky People had stolen. Now, they were outside of the camp shooting arrows and avoiding bullets, such hot fiery contraptions had never been seen by the grounders before, but they were an adaptable people. Leoni had tied up Fyucha, not wanting to endanger her most favourite companion. she desperately searched for Lincoln, weaving in and out of soldiers, firing a quick arrow here and there so it looked like she was fighting but Lincoln was no where to be found. Leoni didn't jump at the sound of the bullets but her blood ran cold when she heard the clicking of empty guns and the bullets run fewer. There was no fun in fighting when the other team didn't stand a chance. she moved towards the front where the majority of the dead were spread, she tried to get a look in the camp and find out what was going on-what was going wrong, when a sudden stinging burn could be felt in her right thigh, she winced as the pain started to kick in further. things seemed to move in slow motion as she saw her blood ooze out of her leg and roll down onto her hand as she reached out to cover the wound. Thick black blood coated her fingers. she noticed that when raised her hand back up to eye level.

"They fucking shot me" she laughed humourlessly. More blood rolled down her leg as Leoni pinched around the wound trying to find the bullet. she had to get the bullet out she knew that much. She felt the small pallet deep in her skin and with a stifled cry she squeezed it out. Once the blood soaked bullet fell into her hand she chucked it away and continued to the front walking through the unbearable pain. Leoni kept moving until she felt a hand on her arm pulling her back behind them and shielding her against the bullets with a metal shield.

"Haiplana you are hurt" a gruff voice came.

"i'm fine" Leoni spoke strongly through her gritted teeth

"let me help" the voice came again. Leoni looked up to see the back of Prince Roan of Azgedakru. she looked at him for a second deciding if she could depend on him or not

"Fine. you want to help? rip me a piece of your shirt" Leoni's breathing quickened as Roan ripped a strip from the bottom of his shirt and gave it to the girl

"don't give it to me! tie it above the wound. tight!" Roan did as he was told without hesitation

"you should fall back Leok, you're too important!"

"don't tell me what to do" Leoni laughed, pushing the man off of her but he caught her again

"Haiplana I just saved your life!"

"Now let me live it!" Leoni shrugged out of his grip weaving in between warriors to the entrance of the camp

"You'll regret this Leok! You're going to get yourself killed!" Roan called after the girl frustratedly trying to go after her but was unable to make his way through the ocean of bodies

"What are you whining about it for, go fight! Leoni snapped running as well as she could, there was a significant limp to her stride which was more than understandable, she had been shot! Like for the first time too! The adrenaline that pumped through her masked most of the pain for now so Leoni walked it off as well as she could, now disappearing into the crowd completely. she found her way into the camp to see Bellamy on the ground being chocked by a grounder. Without a second doubt Leoni rushed over. she wiped her bloody hand on her face before drawing her blade and with a battle cry she slit the grounders throat, pushing them off of Bellamy

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