I don't need a therpist

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4 days after leaving the bunker

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4 days after leaving the bunker

Leoni had her Wonkru warpaint done ready for battle and to be totally honest the red really outlined her Heda emblem. she had her hair done like the picture above and was currently crouched in front of Maddie drawing a vertical streak of black war paint  from the girl's hairline, down to the top of the bridge of her nose. Then she took two red streaks across either one of Maddie's cheeks. This used to be Leoni's war paint, now she passed it on to her daughter.

"I want you to look at me right now" Luna said holding Maddie's shoulders and looking directly at her. The child was scared. Leoni stood close, watching the pair intuitively
"You have been training for this battle for 6 years. You know how to win so trust yourself! I will be by your side the entire time so if you need me you shout and i am there." Maddie's eyes glossed over with fearful tears
"Hey hey no" Luna wiped the water away

"After this we get to go home. This is the work ok?" Leoni added gently, laying a hand of comfort on Maddie's shoulder

"Ok" Maddie sniffed

"Just fight for something, anything!" Leoni said shakily in Maddie's ear

"You're my something to fight about. You always have been." Maddie answered and at that moment Leoni knew she had taught her daughter well.


"I don't care what you fight for Leok! As long as there's some sort of drive behind your strikes" Kidra told a 12 year old Leoni at the dinner before they went into battle against Azgeda...again!

"I fight for you Heda. Always have" Leoni replied casually before shoving a piece of cut up steak in her mouth

"Well..." Kidra looked across at the girl proudly
"That's an added bonus then isn't it" she smiled


"I love you" Leoni whispered before hugging Maddie and Luna. She combed through her kid's hair with her fingers

"I love you both Mum, Nomon" Maddie whispered back

"We're so proud of you my girl" Luna kissed Maddie's cheek

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