More than anything

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⚠️mention of suicide⚠️

The group pulled up at Niylah's cabin

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The group pulled up at Niylah's cabin. they all hopped out the car, Leoni letting go of Bellamy's hand and some of the boys taking Raven. Leoni and Clarke took lead meeting a distressed Niylah

"no! Skaikru killed my father you are not getting in here!" Niylah painfully denied. Bellamy started to raise his gun but Leoni stood in front taking Niylah's hands in her own

"Niy-" she started to reason

"Haiplana no!"

"Niylah please-"

"not a chance"

"Niylah! i am begging you" Leoni pleaded through her still trembling lips and voice. Niylah looked into her eyes realising she had been crying perhaps without meaning to and taking in the black blood that stained her cheeks

"Leok...i'm so sorry-"

"let us in Niylah please! a girl is dying!" Leoni interrupted

"fine" Niylah agreed reluctantly while eyeing the others skeptically
"only for you" she added with a tilt of her head. It was sympathetic, understanding. The young warrior hated it nut now was not the time

"thank you!" Leoni squeezed the girls hands and signalled for everyone to pile inside

"just don't-" Niylah went to add something but Bellamy raised his gun pointing it at her making the woman silence herself instantly

"Bellamy!" Leoni hissed angrily and gave him a warning look
"stand the hell down" she ordered through gritted teeth before following the others to where Raven had now been tied up in the back room where Niylah would usually sleep

"you had one of our wristbands the last time i was here. where is it?" Clarke asked the slightly shaken trader

"why do you need it?" Niylah asked skeptically

"an innocent girl is going to die if we don't get it" was all the explanation Clarke was willing to give but having a soft spot for Clarke Niylah caved and reluctantly handed the wristband over.  Clarke took it into the back room where Leoni was trying to calm down a manic Raven while the others tied her up on the bed posts so she couldn't move

"WHERE THE HELL AM I LET ME GO" Raven screamed like crazy

"why is she so worked up?" Leoni asked worriedly while using a wet towel to dab her forehead, trying to keep her temperature down

"there's a chip in her forehead and the AI programmed within the chip called Alie is telling her what to do. She wants to take away everyone's choice and control their minds essentially destroying the world. She's one of Becca Promheda's experiments gone wrong, this isn't Raven we're dealing with anymore it's Alie" Sinclair explained hastily


"what the hell is an AI?" Leoni asked seriously concerned for the girl she swore to protect after just losing the first girl she made that promise to

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