Don't mansplain my own qualities

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"What the hell?" Leoni whispered positioning her blade ready for anything and Roan did the same

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"What the hell?" Leoni whispered positioning her blade ready for anything and Roan did the same

"Over here!" Roan called running to the river bank where water lapped over a large bodybag. Leoni peeled the top away to reveal one of Roan's guards
"Seiku" Leoni whispered the mans name through a clenched jaw

"Don't be naive here Heda we both know this was Trikru" Roan said angrily

"Oh yeah? And I wonder why!" Leoni snapped

"They must've taken the truck to Polis which means they've kept someone alive to drive" Roan went through his logic

"Let's go" Leoni ordered without a moments hesitation amd they both got in the rover and drove to Polis without a word. Leoni found herself desperately hoping it was Bellamy that was alive but she feared the worst

"We have to get to Polis before they do or they'll use the fuel and kill everyone" Roan said after some time

"I know my people Roan, they don't want to kill everyone they want to kill Azgeda. You seriously don't care about anything other than your own people which in many ways is a great quality I just wish you recognised the entire Coalition as your own" Leoni said back as calmly as possible without taking her eyes off the road

"Cause your people are so much better" Roan scoffed sarcastically
"You are maybe they only person who doesn't have loyalties with one specific clan. You base your grudges and decisions off of the present rather than prior disagreements" Roan shook his head almost in awe

"Don't mansplain my own qualities Roan" Leoni said in disgust but suddenly she had to bring the car to an abrupt halt when a body blocked the path
"Wait...he's the man from before" Leoni noticed in suspicion

"Trikru burn their dead...they're still here" Roan said alarmingly amd Leoni reversed the car as fast as she could. Suddenly the Trikru warriors began to attack

"RELEASE HEDA!" Gheko shouted as they shook the rover

"I can fix this" Leoni muttered to herself before opening the door

"LEOK NO!" Roan went to grab her wrist but Leoni was already out of the car

"Hey hey calm down ok?" Leoni said cautiously as she walked slowly towards the Trikru village who had all stopped attacking
"I know this is hard I want to kill him too and i promise you I will but for now I need his help. Where is our rover?" Leoni asked strongly

"Rover?" Gheko asked in confusion. Leoni pointed to the vehicle behind her

"It looks like this?" Leoni said now equally confused when the people started shaking her head but then it clicked. She looked back to Roan who had figured it out too
"go to Polis, explain your situation to Indie and he'll put you up in the castle until we find a better housing solution" Leoni told Gheko as she got back into the car and before she could hear his reply she had started driving

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