Listen up lover boy

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They all ran down to the temple as quickly as they could, Leoni gripping Octavia's hand the whole way

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They all ran down to the temple as quickly as they could, Leoni gripping Octavia's hand the whole way. When they got down there Leoni noticed the guards she'd stationed on Skaikru on the ground.
"No!" Leoni called out falling to her knees and letting go of Octavia. She felt the man's pulse which was still beating strongly

"They used gas like the damn mountain men" Octavia said angrily from where she was checking another guard.

"Make sure no one gets in" Gaia told two of the guards that had followed

"That's an order straight from Heda" Leoni called after them in case they had different ideas

"It's locked!" Kane said after trying to open the door
"How could they do this to us!" He shouted frustratedly

"Skaikru have betrayed us all" Indra growled making Leoni and Octavia shared a wary look

"This isn't Skaikru this is Jaha. He's the only one down there all of them would follow" Kane decided still believing his people were good

"Give me your radio" Octavia demanded and Kane handed it over instantly
"Can anyone hear me?"

"I'll go buy us some time" Kane said, Leoni caught him on the way out

"How?" She asked

"I'll help them get their people in order. We will get into that bunker" he said before going to leave again but Leoni kept ahold of him

"Be safe" she nodded at him and without a second doubt he pulled her towards him and wrapped her in a tight hug, cradling her head over his shoulder. She bowed her head onto him taking in his scent and how much he really loved her. He pulled away kissed her head and then ran out leaving Leoni to stand with a slight smile noticing that even after everything she'd done he was still her father

"I'll lock down the temple" Gaia said and went after Kane

"I should have killed Jaha when I had the goddamn chance" Leoni screamed in frustration kicking over a table. She wasn't worried for herself she just wanted to save her people

"This is Octavia can anyone hear me damn it"

"O it's me, you ok?" Bellamy's voice came through the radio. Leoni looked over at Octavia as she started her angry reply

"I'm alive. I won." she snapped. She didn't really win but Leoni let the charade go on for now
"Bell. What the hell did you do?" She asked desperately hoping he wasn't the bad guy here

"It wasn't me but I'll fix it" Bellamy promised

"Listen to me when I won I pledged my loyalty to Leoni and promised we would share the bunker equally. 100 from each clan." Octavia explained as Indra and Leoni stood beside her listening intently
"Kane is out there buying time as well as Gaia but the second word gets out about Skaikru stealing the bunker there'll be a calling for your heads that not even the commander can control" Octavia warned, Leoni nodding a long in agreement

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