The Aftermath

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3 years later

"Maddie baby we're gonna be late!" Leoni called as she rushed around her house picking up baby toys

"i don't know why you're tidying the wedding isn't in our house" 16 year old Maddie scoffed

"ok Missy you can take that attitude right up stairs to pack the diaper bag or there's no money for food after the wedding" Leoni told her with a parenty look

"yes mum" Maddie grinned cheekily and kissed the blonde's cheek before jogging up the stairs. In the past few years Wonkru had built an entire civilisation of foods and retail, entertainment and education, they called it New-Polis because it was truly a new Polis. Monty got it bang on, Leoni wanted her children to grow up exactly like she had

"mummmyyyy" Lexa sang as she came flying into the house with Jasmine. Lexa was now 4 years old and was the cheekiest 4 year old in New Polis! she had a burning passion for princesses and had made Jasmine Murphy her best friend most likely because she was closest in age at about 10 months younger than her

"what's up sweetheart?" Leoni asked as she packed the last of the toys into the allocated basket

"can Jas stay the night? please mummy can she stay the night please please pretty please" she begged jumping up and down on the spot excitedly causing her gorgeous dirty blonde curls to bounce on her shoulders. she was a mummy's girl, perhaps that was due to Bellamy being a disciple for the first 11 months of her life or maybe it was because Leoni had totally coddled her first baby creating the diva personality she'd assumed

"She needs to ask her parents first but i'm sure that's fine" the blonde agreed, smiling over at Jasmine who was beyond excited about getting to spend yet another night filled with movies, junk food and staying up too late in the Blake-Kane household

"Jas!" Emori called as she entered the house, heavily pregnant with her son on her waist. There was no knocking in Leoni's household, just arriving. If she had it her way everyone would just come and stay with her, all she wanted to do was look after everyone all at once
"hi Leoni, is Jassy here- Jas come here till i do your hair!" she demanded and the girl came scuttling over for her mother to tie up her hair

"do you want me to take both the kids for the night?" Leoni asked Emori as she took John from the girl's arms

"that would be awesome i need a break with the baby coming and everything" Emori sighed in thanks. Emori and John's first kid Jasmine wasn't exactly planned, their second one was an over obsessive mess but their third one was 8 months in the making and this time they were calmly prepared

"Leoniiii i'm here to use your toilet ours is clogged again" Murphy yelled, kissing his wife and daughter before venturing through the house
"nice dress Jassy" he ruffled the girl's hair.

"Johnnnn" Emori groaned frustrate and started to smooth out Jasmine's hair again

"well i hope you brought your own toilet paper Murph, Lili has the scoots again and we're all out" Leoni sighed as Murphy came to kiss her cheek. John had matured a lot since his and Emori's wedding and child.

"i came prepared- you look beautiful by the way love the colour" he grinned cheekily

"ok keep it in your pants your very pregnant mrs is right there" Leoni joked before turning around to continue icing the wedding cake she'd volunteered to do.

"what does keep it in your pants mean" Lexa asked as she used an open drawer to climb onto the countertop where she sat

"it's a joke i'll tell you when you're 16" Leoni tapped Lexa's nose and went back to the cake

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