I'd literally rather die

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Leoni opened her eyes to a bright white light shining down on her

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Leoni opened her eyes to a bright white light shining down on her. without moving a muscle she felt the restraints on her wrists, the bandages on her arms covering the needle marks, the tubes coming from her veins and the blue gown she was dressed in. it didn't take a detective to work it out. they were taking her bone marrow

"Jackson?" Leoni croaked

"yeah it's ok i'm here Leoni" he told her half heartedly from where he was working across the room

"where is Maddie is she ok?" Leoni asked quickly

"Maddie traded your bone marrow and to teach the Prime's how to make night blood in exchange for our lives. she saved us." Jackson replied calmly.

"can you em can you come here a second i can't- shit i can't feel my hand!" Leoni lied as she started to breath heavily and watched her heart rate increase on the monitor
"Jackson i can't feel my hand oh my god, i can't breath help!" Jackson rushed over to her right after Leoni had grabbed a small medical looking blade. when Jackson untied her hand frantically she lurched around and stabbed him across the arm making him stumble back and shout out in pain. While the doctor was distracted Leoni attempted to get the rest of her restraints off. Jackson came back trying to make her lay back down and after a lot of wrestling managed to get her down just long enough to stick yet another tranquilliser in her leg making her zone back out
"don't do this to me" Leoni begged but Jackson had no choice. He thought she meant 'don't use my bone marrow' but really Leoni was growing weaker and weaker to the voice in her own head. The voice she heard every time Jackson made her fall asleep.


"you should've gone for the throat" Sheidheda scowled from across the table Leoni was once again sat at
"i thought you wanted revenge for what these people did to Clarke" he glared over at her

"i don't want revenge from Jackson he's one of mine. Wonkru" Leoni explained calmly and sat back in her chair. she'd become comfortable around this monster

"Wonkru? we'll get into that joke later but he's not one of yours Leok. he's draining your bone marrow as we speak" Sheidheda reminded her frustrated she didn't see his way

"let's just wait for me to wake up again ok" Leoni scowled at him

"Jackson is a follower willing to do whatever the higher ups tell him to. He holds no value to us later down the line. if you had had the guts and just killed him like i wanted we'd be on our way to kill the Primes by now" Sheidheda leaned over the table glaring at her

"there is no we!" Leoni leaned over as well so they were inches apart her showing him she was not afraid
"I don't need to listen to you. the only reason i am is because your ideas happen to work in my favour and i can't get access to my sister so keep your pretty opinions to yourself got that?" Leoni snapped then retracted into her chair once more

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