Living the Hollywood fantasy

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⚠️Check out my new maze runner OC X Minho fan fic, muscle memory⚠️

⚠️Check out my new maze runner OC X Minho fan fic, muscle memory⚠️

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Leoni woke up that morning to Maddie shaking her

"Mum get up i'm gonna be late" Maddie groaned though it was muffled due to the toast that was shoved in her mouth

"mmmm" Leoni winced and pulled the quilt over her head

"Mum!" Maddie snatched the quilt away
"i can't find my boot!" she started slapping Leoni's shoulder

"fine fine fine!" Leoni huffed as she got up and reached under the bed producing Maddie's boot

"how did you know it was there?" Maddie asked as she pulled it on and started to check her reflection in the mirror

"mothers intuition" Leoni shrugged and started to get up. she pulled on her clothes and boots then went into the bathroom to retrieve her locket and tag necklace. Luna was standing in front of the mirror riffling her hair
"Morning" the blonde kissed Luna's cheek quickly

"Good morning baby" Luna smiled

"should i take water?" Maddie asked as she checked out her reflection next to Leoni

"yeah definitely" Leoni pulled the bobble out of her hair and brushed through her long golden locks.
"have you had breakfast?"

"Nomon made me toast" Maddie dismissed as she wet her toothbrush and started to brush her teeth

"They have a toaster?" Leoni looked to Luna in surprise

"I improvised" Luna shrugged with a smirk

"well make sure you have something more substantial for lunch" Leoni told her daughter as she twisted her golden hair into the hairstyle above

"what from the failing hydrofarm?" Maddie scoffed

"ok missy just because you've been living the Hollywood fantasy up in the mansion doesn't mean you're a princess" Luna reminded with a sassy look

"i know i just miss Mum's bolognaise" Maddie sighed

"i know you do baby" Leoni turned to hold Maddie's face
"and we'll go back we just have to work for it"

" look pretty today" Maddie smiled softly and twisted some of Leoni's hair round her finger

"thank you, now go! school! now!" Leoni kissed Maddie's head before pushing the girl out the bathroom and on her way to Gaia

"bye love you!" Maddie called out as she left. Leoni watched her go nervously them turned to her sister

"I'll go with her" Luna laughed as if reading the girl's mind. Leoni watched Luna leave then turned back around and slid on her gloves. as she did she slid out the portrait of her and Lexa. she pressed a kiss to her fingers them touched them on Lexa's forehead before standing the picture up on the bedside table

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