Because i hate objections

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The two young girls exited the temple and Leoni stopped to talk to the guard at the door again

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The two young girls exited the temple and Leoni stopped to talk to the guard at the door again

"what do you need" the woman asked lowly, ready to die for her commander

"no one gets guard this door as if it's me do you understand?" Leoni said before placing a gun in the woman's hand 
"it's already loaded. all you have to do is aim and pull the trigger. no one gets in" Leoni mumbled and the woman nodded before Leoni left with Gaia. they walked over towards the castle

"what is your plan Heda?" Gaia asked almost sheepishly from the blonde's side

"i'm going to approach this like Kidra would have. a conclave. each clan gets an equal chance to earn control over the bunker. Forced alliances in a space like that will never work. If the winner of the conclave chooses to save more than just their clan they will" Leoni answered as they walked through the doors. Echo was waiting on the inside, she instantly began walking beside Leoni

"the ambassadors are waiting in the throne room Ai Heda" Echo told them

"Skaikru?" Leoni asked trying not to show concern

"still in lock up" Echo informed

"well that's not good enough get the Skaikru chancellor in my throne room" Leoni demanded. she didn't know why she refrained from calling Kane her Dad. she was just mad. and scared. she was mad that they thought they were entitled to surviving  and scared in case they didn't survive at all

"yes Heda" Echo bowed her head and rushed off.

"i'll meet you in the throne room" Leoni told Gaia and then split ways with the girl. the blonde walked towards her room. when she got there she laid her hand on her door knob, hesitating to twist it. She hadn't been in that room since becoming the commander.

"Leoni come in" Bellamy's voice came through the radio. she shakily unclipped the machine with her free hand and lifted it to her mouth

"go ahead" Leoni said begging herself to keep her composure

"what the hell are you thinking locking Clarke and the others up" Bellamy snapped through the radio and his anger broke her heart

"the bunker holds 1,200 people" Leoni said as calmly as she could
"which means only 1,202 people will survive assuming me and Luna stay above ground."

"what do you mean staying above the ground Leoni don't be ridiculous! why did you lock up Clarke? and your dad goddamn it" Bellamy was getting louder through the radio

"what makes skaikru so much better than the rest of my people?" Leoni asked, hurt that Bellamy didn't trust her

"what?" Bellamy asked in anger 

"No, please tell me because i've spent all day trying to work it out. all day trying to work out how and why Skaikru seems to think they deserve the bunker- hell why they deserve to survive at all" Leoni asked just as angrily

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