Becca, God, Taylor Swift, Beyoncé, Buddha, Gandov, Yoda

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Leoni Kane was crazy mad about the whole thing but maybe the anger was to hide her concern

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Leoni Kane was crazy mad about the whole thing but maybe the anger was to hide her concern. Leoni was good at using anger to overrule the fact that she cared for people. she didn't like caring for people but in a matter of simple days she had come to develop feelings for some of these kids she had only ever felt for Lexa and Lincoln and then there was Bellamy...she didn't know what that feeling was. in utter frustration she picked up a glass sitting on her table and threw it at the wall
"SCREW YOU!" she screamed as the glass smashed and shards plummeted to the ground. Leoni went over to the window trying to bust it open but it was no use she'd tried yesterday and it was no use then either. Leoni flopped onto her bed fiddling  with her locket when a guard knocked on her door
"leave" she groaned in trigedaslang once again, rolling onto her front and burrying her face into a pillow.

"it's about Skaikru Haiplana" a hushed voice came, Leoni's head popped up and within seconds she had answered the door

"what about them?" she asked carefully, suspicious as to if this was a trick

"Lexa is going to the prisoners as a villager to see their strength" the man was quick and hushed when telling her in fear of being caught. Leoni nodded slowly, taking in all the information

"i'm going to show you a picture. go to the prison if it is this man you need to protect him as well as you can, stall until he can escape do you understand?"

"yes Haiplana" the guard nodded quickly and Leoni opened her locket showing him the picture of her father

"this is my father, he makes it out alive you will be rewarded by becoming my head guard," the guard looked at the picture carefully before nodding. Leoni looked down at the photo as well, tilting her head as she noticed the features he no longer had and remembered the ones he'd acquired
"I mean...he's a bit older now, like by a good decade or so but you get the gist" Leoni winked at the man

"His name Leok?"

"Marcus" Leoni answered, closing her locket carefully. The guard tried to suppress his expression but it was obvious he thought the name strange
"I know, sky people got their own special way of doing names I guess" she sighed looking back to him
"He lives, you're loved can I count on you?"

"you have my word" he held out and arm and Leoni shook it

"your name."


"good, now go" she shooed him away and closed the door. sliding her hands together she looked up at the sky and prayed, Leoni didn't do the whole praying thing very often, she figured people's fate depended on their actions but then at that very moment she hoped for a higher power and she prayed!
"Becca, God, Taylor Swift, Beyoncé, Buddha, Gandov, Yoda?" Leoni listed all of the godlike beings she knew! Becca Promheda, the woman who is the reason she's alive! God...kind of self explanatory! Taylor Swift, wrote 1989 which she had the CD to as a child and listened to it like a religion! Beyoncé again self explanatory. Buddha, her gran used to talk about him, seemed like a jolly guy as far as young Leoni was concerned. Gandov, her father used to read her the books the dude was literally a wizard! Yoda, Star Wars was the only film her and Axon owned, Yoda was hella godlike!
"Whoever's up there? save my people...all of them! please"


"Once one of you are dead then we will here the conditions of your surrender, the girl stays to make sure the deed gets done" Gustus ordered before leaving with the other guards

"my name is Marcus Kane, my daughter is do you say it...Haplana? Haiplay?" Marcus desperately tried to tell the girl about his daughter. Lexa's eyes widened, she'd never seen inside Leoni's locket but this must be her father. she could see the same glint of fight in his eyes

"Haiplana"Lexa corrected breathlessly as she took in the man

"yes yes yes, her name is Leoni-"

"you mean Leok" Lexa's voice faded in utter disappointment knowing Leoni would never EVER forgive her if he died!

"yes! that's her! if we could just see her i'm sure she could work this whole thing out we come in peace!" Lexa looked at the pleading man and thought of her friend and what she'd said about there being no more Haiplana Kom Natblida although she didn't really understand what that meant it scared her. she also couldn't let friendship come between her duties, she would just have to hope Kane killed Jaha

"if one of you doesn't kill the other...the commander will slit both of your throats and you will never see Leok again. choose wisely." Lexa informed coldly and both Jaha and Kane's heart's sank


With Lexa being gone Leoni decided now was the best chance to get out of there. she left her room quietly after she was sure Lexa had left. she hurried down the hall not bothering to grab her cloak. she managed to get to the weapons room before anyone saw her.
"thank God" Leoni sighed when she saw her decorated blade and slid it into a holster before tying it around her waist, she picked up a few daggers and slid them into her boots, she grabbed a few arrows and dipped them in poison and grabbing a bow. she took the arrows and bow and rushed into the stables where she found Fyucha. attaching the weapons to her horses saddle she climbed up into him. Leoni leant forwards kissing the horses head

"i missed you baby" she whispered before riding him out of the building and towards the gates, guards attempted to stop her but she was too fast. once at a safe distance from Polis Leoni slowed down through the woods. she kept her eyes wide for anyone who could pose as a threat to her. the girl was heading to the camp when the horn came
"you've gotta be shitting me" the girl groaned before hopping off Fyucha to spy the bugs, once confirming what direction they were running in she jumped back on her horse and followed in the direction until she came across a cave, dragging Fyucha in she crouched...waiting for the fog to pass until she heard a voice

"Leoni...fog is gone get out here" the voice was dissatisfied and Leoni knew instantly who it was

"Shit" Leoni cursed quietly

"Leok! Hurry up!"

"look i had to get out of there ok? even if it was just for a ride!" Leoni protested as she emerged from the cave, ready Rx accept her fate

"i know" Lexa said calmly. she took the blonde's hands in her own much to Leoni's surprise.
"Leoni i know these people are your blood but i am your family! i'm begging you to stand by me here!" Leoni looked into Lexa's pleading eyes, a sight rarely seen

"ok" Leoni nodded knowing if Lexa was acting like this it had to be serious
"i've got you" Leoni pulled Lexa into a hug and once they broke away they each mounted their horses and rode side by side just as Becca...or God/Taylor Swift/Beyoncé/Buddha/Gandov/Yoda, intended.

"the massacre will be paid in blood but with the right blood. we will find who's responsible." Lexa informed coldly

"i met a woman there. she was sick and she had a baby..." Leoni looked at Lexa her face suddenly turning into one to be feared
"Jus Drein Jus Daun"

Lil shout out to my gals Tay Tay and the gorgeous Miss B
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