I am strong

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The grounders, including Leoni, had set up camp not far from Camp Jaha

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The grounders, including Leoni, had set up camp not far from Camp Jaha. Leoni took her rightful place in the throne next to Lexa with Indra at her side

"you look strong Leok" Indra complimented proudly

"i am strong" Leoni replied in a tone that sent waves of belief down Indra's spine before any more words could be shared Clarke walked into the tent

"are you the commander?" Clarke demanded, she hadn't yet noticed the blonde and Leoni wasn't complaining

"and what's it to you" Indra questioned raising her spear towards the girl

"Indra stand down" Lexa ordered. Leoni sat up in her chair


"who do you think you are? you will address Leok like every other undeserving person" Lexa snarled, protective of her friend

"Bellamy's been driving himself insane he thinks you left or died or-" Clarke started but was cut off when Lexa rose her blade to Clarke's throat

"you have no right to talk to her!" the commander was furious at the girl trying to play on Leoni's feelings. She had been told all about Bellamy so she knew what Clarke was doing! Leoni herself struggled to keep up the stone cold act but it was hard knowing the suffering she'd (all be it accidentally) put Bellamy through.

"please we want peace, a truce" Clarke backtracked raising her hands in surrender
Clarke explained all about mount weather and how her and Anya had escaped, she then produced a lock of Anya's hair as proof.

"how can we be sure you didn't kill her...or have her captured in your hunk of metal and just cut off some of her hair...which would be a shame cause Anya has hella nice hair" Leoni looked to Lexa who gave her a look of what can only be described as 'seriously?' However underneath her chilling humour Leoni was highly suspicious of the girl

"you'll have to trust us. look you need us and our technology to get into mount weather! with your knowledge of the land and our medical and engineering people we'll get all of our people back!"

"what do you mean medical?" Lexa looked the girl up and down still deciding if she could trust Clarke or not

"we can turn reapers back to grounders!" Clarke nodded and Lexa and Leoni both struggled to stop their jaws from dropping

"prove it" Lexa looked to Leoni skeptically

"you have to come with us to our drop ship"

Lexa Leoni and Lexa's guard Gustus followed Clarke towards the dropship. neither Lexa or Leoni knew who the grounder turned reaper was. arriving at the entrance Leoni stopped pulling Lexa to stop with her

"this could be a trap" Leoni murmured in the language she knew Clarke didn't understand, shooting her eyes to the sky girl who had stopped not far in front of them

"but i thought-" Lexa was confused because the only reason they hadn't attacked again was because of her

"i want to trust them- i do trust them i just can't help but think it's eye for an eye around here and it's their shot"

"explain" Lexa demanded meeting Leoni's level of suspicion

"they landed in our territory, we took one of their people hostage" Leoni began to explain
"they blew up our bridge we started a battle. they burned Tondc we kidnapped two of their men and now they're taking us into a drop ship outnumbering med and miles away from our camp. all saying is that we should keep our guards well up" Lexa nodded in a way that reminded Leoni of her pure wisdom and of why she cared for the commander

"you're right, keep your hands on your weapons if they ask us to leave them we're going back to camp and the truce is off" Lexa's word was final and the two continued into the drop ship. Leoni almost lost her balance when she saw Lincoln being given chest compressions by a hysterical Octavia

"holy shit" Leoni breathed. she tried to get to Lincoln's side but Lexa caught her, pushing her back

"you are a warrior act like one" she sneered softly although there was a certain amount of concern for the girl to her tone
both Lexa and Gustus reached for their weapons soon followed by the distraught Leoni and the sky people in the room. Leoni's eyes were trained on Lincoln as Abby suddenly grabbed a shock baton and used it in Lincoln

"NO!" Leoni called and Lexa reached up an arm to prevent her from lurching forward. Abby shocked the man again and just like that he began to breath and Lexa dropped her arm allowing Leoni to fall at Lincoln's side opposite Octavia. she watched as the two greeted each other and then Lincoln looked to Leoni

"sister" he whispered before closing his eyes in exhaustion. Leoni smiled genuinely for the first time in a while and then looked to Octavia who nodded at her definitively.

As Lincoln recovered at Octavia's side and Abby's care Leoni sat on the steps outside the drop ship looking out into the forest. Lexa and Clarke had gone on ahead with Gustus but Leoni decided she owed Bellamy an explanation and stayed behind. he walked towards her with a bucket of water.

"gonna let me past?" he asked bitterly without looking at her. Leoni stood up quickly looking to him eagerly. she fiddled with her fingers nervously

"can we talk?" she asked

"nothing to talk about" he replied before pulling his lips tight together still refusing to look at her

"Bellamy just let me talk to you"

"i really need to get inside with this-" Leoni cut him off by snatching the bucket and placing it inside for Octavia to grab

"let me explain please!"

"explain what? how you deserted us with no warning leaving us to take on an entire village with no information which in case you didn't realise led to Finn going crazy!" Leoni faltered slightly, she didn't realise it was Finn who had caused the deaths at Tondc

"yes! that's exactly what i want to explain I didn't desert you!" Leomi shook off the thought of Finn

"i don't want to hear it" Bellamy tried to brush past her but she stood her ground

"my commanders guards came and took me away i couldn't fight against them it would go against my beliefs! then when i got to Polis she quite literally bolted me in, i tried to get back i swear i did! then i escaped but the fog stopped me and then Lexa found me and brought me here and i couldn't find you because i wasn't allowed out of the camp and i couldn't turn back on my people and i'm so so so sorry and-" before Leoni could finish her flustered explanation Bellamy had wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into him pressing his lips against hers. Leoni's eyes widened as she realised what was going on before she relaxed and kissed him back, her hands coming up to the back of his head, she hesitated slightly before she ran her fingers through his hair pulling him even closer to her and smiling into the kiss then he pulled away only slightly
"i'm really really sorry" Leoni whispered looking  up into his eyes

"it's fine i em" Bellamy looked completely shocked by his own actions which made Leoni grin before pulling him in and kissing him again. Leoni knew that it was dangerous to love but something told her this was ok. This was real.

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