Shit it's about to burst

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"Something is coming!" A guard shouted and Leoni instantly pulled away from Bellamy's embrace

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"Something is coming!" A guard shouted and Leoni instantly pulled away from Bellamy's embrace. She grabbed his hand and pulled him along with her as she went to find out what was happening. When they got out Indra and Octavia were already there looking out into the desert to see a huge Grey cloud that flickered with lightning

"Sand storm" Leoni said

"Yeah well it's blocking our damn path" Octavia groaned in annoyance

"Can we outrun it Heda?" Indra asked

"As long as it keeps going East to West we should be fine but if the wind shifts..." Leoni trailed off

"The wind hasn't met Wonkru" Octavia growled and Leoni nodded in agreement

"Damn right. We keep moving" Leoni ordered and everyone started to get ready

"Keep moving?" Bellamy asked standing in front of Leoni making her and everyone else stop
"Thanks to you two we are now stuck between razor blade winds and some sort of flesh festering bugs" Bellamy argued and Leoni sighed. Why did she believe his lies. Trust her? What a joke!

"Thanks to you we're at war" Octavia snarled from Leoni's side

"Only if you fight it" Bellamy tried to change her mind

"In this world there are two options. You fight or you die" Leoni held out a hand for each option
"What one would you prefer we choose?" Leoni asked rhetorically moving her hands like scales

"I get it now. He doesn't understand Heda" Octavia started as she glared at her brother
"Because he's not one of us" she shrugged
"Heda is Wonkru but it seems you don't want to follow her" Octavia called out a little louder and people started to move closer

"Is Obika one of you?" Bellamy asked provocatively
"Is that why you're choosing to end his life as if he means nothing?" Bellamy's voice rose as he stepped closer
"Because that doesn't make any sense to me"  guards started to advance angrily

"Stop" Leoni said calmly raising a hand and everyone froze but no one backed down

"show some damn respect" one man growled into Bellamy's ear

"If I were you...I'd back off" Luna said placidly and Octavia smirked

"you know this is wrong you're going to get us killed!" Bellamy tried to get through to Leoni who stood between her 2 girls

"giving up that valley will get us killed. i want my kid to see her 18th birthday, do you?" Leoni asked raising her eyebrows

"of course i do but-" Bellamy stepped forward but the man from before put his hand on Bellamy's chest

"back. off" he growled. Leoni held eye contact with Bellamy as he stepped back. suddenly an ear drum bursting scream came ringing throughout the camp

"he's awake" Leoni said and rushed towards the tent
"hold him down!" Leoni told Miller, Cooper and Indie while they tried to wrestle him still. the bulge in his stomach was growing and it looked like whatever was inside was about to come out and not through the hole it entered
"shit it's about to burst" Leoni warned stepping back and then Obika's stomach exploded and thousands of purpleish worms came flying out
"everyone out!" Leoni yelled making everyone run out as fast as they could
"light it up!" she told Indra and the chief set fire to the tent. Octavia went tumbling to the ground as they ran. Leoni stopped and tried to pick her up

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