I've never taken it off

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TW, mention of domestic violence I apologise in advance

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TW, mention of domestic violence
I apologise in advance

"Bellamy thinks he can manipulate me into forgiving Echo what a damn joke" Octavia spat angrily as they walked out of the training arenas together

"Clarke thinks she can talk me into letting the defectors go and meet up for brunch with them once we get to the valley" Leoni shouted back

"we are the rulers of this clan they are forgotten stories and they will not stand" Octavia was utterly furious as she burst out her words

"damn right and it's time to throw the traitor out" Leoni said changing course and storming to where Echo was hiding out. before she burst in Octavia stopped Leoni and raised a finger to her lips. Echo was talking to someone in there.

"-your sister and girlfriend need you Bellamy. they're fighting an enemy they just can't beat this time. that's never happened before so they don't know how to see that but Diyoza is playing on the fact that everyone else can see it and she's using it to pull Wonkru apart" Echo told Bellamy and Leoni hadn't felt such festering anger in 6 years. Octavia pulled open the curtain to reveal them both and they walked in glaring at Echo. Leoni didn't dare look at Bellamy but she did spot him quickly let go of the spy's hand. what the hell?

"and what would you do about it...spy" Octavia asked rhetorically as he fiery gaze met Echo's 

"honestly? i'd surrender" Echo said, not even remotely intimidated. she's turned into a sky girl.
"good leaders don't fight the wars they can't win" she pursed her lips looking to Octavia then to Leoni
"Kidra taught you better"

"here's what's gonna happen." Leoni started in that bone chilling calmness that came before the storm
"you're gonna put your skills to use and spy for me." everyone looked to her in obvious surprise
"when the ship comes back my people will try and board i know them well enough to know that some want only to live if that happens people follow and soon they stop following the blood. my blood." Leoni said darkly
"my mother taught me well i know how to read my people"

"if no one goes for the ship they'll think we're still together which we will be move peace is restored" Octavia nodded catching up to Leoni's train of thought.

"and what happens to the people she finds?" Bellamy asked but Leoni still refused to look at him

"you bring us the names before they attempt to defect then we'll come up with some way to repay you" Octavia said

"your banishment will be dissolved" Leoni said still staring at Echo who's glare turned to a look of wide eyed shock
"bring me a list of the traitors and you'll be given a chance to be Wonkru." Leoni promised

"as you wish Heda" Echo bowed her head

"just get the job done" Leoni growled then walked out

"you should go after her" Octavia said to Bellamy once Leoni was out of earshot

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