Fight me

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"Where's Indra?" Clarke asked as she sped walked beside the commander

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"Where's Indra?" Clarke asked as she sped walked beside the commander

"Meeting me there- love the hair by the the way" Leoni said off topic. Clarke's hair was shorter now, just above shoulder length and had a pink streak in it

"Yeah well 6 years in space" she laughed lightly and Leoni just nodded

"I'm sorry I couldn't be with you through that. It must've been hard" Leoni admitted gently

"It wasn't bad. I found peace up you and Luna found Maddie down here!" Clarke smiled while the commander just kept nodding

"Bellamy said that too. I'm happy for you" Leoni gave Clarke a tight lipped smile. She'd made peace with her past but never found the complete contentment the space clan seemed to have found. She was almost jealous

"After you" Clarke said as she went to open the door but two guards beat her to it

"The perk of being commander is that even if they don't love you they love you. It also helps that I was Haiplana kom natblida first...they respect me even more." Leoni explained as they reached Indra at the entrance to the hydrofarm

"Wanheda" Indra greeted Clarke warily

"She's my informant" Leoni assured the woman and she instantly began to relax

"And your way in" Clarke reminded them. The three walked into the room of mainly dead plants and led them through to a subtly hidden door. She did some sort of trick to pick the lock and allowed them to enter. Three curtain surrounded beds stood before them, one after the other. The first one held a dead woman crawling with the worms. Indra stepped back at the vomit invoking sight but Leoni watched on as if accepting one of her people had the audacity to do something like this. The next bed held a man who was still breathing with the worms swarming around inside of him

"I won't leave him suffering like this" Leoni decided. She spotted a pair of hardcore hazmat gloves and slid them on over her leather fingerless ones

"Heda no-" Indra tried to stop the commander

"he is in pain. At least when he's dead he won't be" Leoni insisted. She unzipped the plastic seal and placed her covered hand over the man's mouth and nose. It didn't take long for his eyes to shoot open and he begun to start fighting
"Shhh warrior. I'm making it go away" Leoni soothed, brushing his hair back with her other hand as he fought against her. Clarke looked on horrorstruck while Indra looked proud. Different upbringings I guess. Eventually the man relaxed and passed.

"Yu gonplei ste odon" Leoni and Indra said at the same time

"Tarik...a farmer" Leoni identified the man as she shut his eyes
"Wonkru" she finished in a reassuring voice.
"I want all these demonic things destroyed now" Leoni said as she pulled off the gloves. Beeping started to echo throughout the room then Octavia and Cooper entered.
"No" Leoni whispered in heartache. Octavia was part of this

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