Dream of me

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A coma

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A coma. Abby Griffin put Leoni Kane's father in a coma...on purpose! That was all she knew, all the girl had been told. Now Leoni stood watching out the window as the world she swore to protect burned to nothing. She couldn't help but feel like she'd failed as commander.

"Close it up Shaw" Bellamy sighed from the girls side. Leoni, Shaw, Clarke, Raven, Bellamy, Harper, Monty, Murphy and Emori were stood in the controls room ready to make their next move
"Like our ancestors on the ark we're the last of the human race."

"Well your ancestors were wrong weren't they" Leoni said coldly. Her face was pale, her eyes had bags. She was tired from the crying and her freak out.
"Before you go all hero and make any dumbass decisions I want my second" Leoni decided
"And my guards." She added as she crossed the room to sit down in a chair

"We really shouldn't-" Raven started

"I want Octavia, Miller and Indie in this room or I'm kicking you all out." Leoni demanded more aggressively. She felt severely outnumbered and she didn't like that

"Fine" Raven huffed and radioed for the requested people to join them

"You guys really want Octavia here?" Monty asked as if the whole idea was delusional

"Did you manage to keep 800 people alive in a bunker for 6 years?" Leoni asked looking directly at Monty. She looked terrifying so exhausted.

"No..." Monty answered lowly

"Neither did I. She is the most qualified person on this damn ship. Besides, I'm the one with the chip in my head so if I want her here she's fucking here" Leoni hissed as Octavia, Miller and Indie walked in

"Thought my ears were burning" Octavia pursed her lips, glaring at everyone in the room

"Don't worry. Some people just forgot who was in charge" Leoni sent a dark look to Monty.

"Now that we're all here, there are 412 people on board." Bellamy started again.
"Thanks to Leoni we saved everyone who could be saved." Leoni looked to the ground not enjoying the recognition for a rescue mission that never should've had to happen and especially not without Luna
"Now all we have to do is keep them alive." Bellamy went to deliver his plan but Leoni cut him off

"Which is what my bloodline has been doing for hundreds of years" she reminded

"Oh yeah? How do we save them then oh great commander?" Murphy scoffed as if there was no way she knew what she was doing

"Cryo." Leoni said plainly
"According to the ships systems, which I took a look at, sorry Shaw, it'll be at least 10 years before my valley is back and according to colonel Diyoza, again sorry Shaw, we don't have enough rations to last a week let alone a decade. there's 500 pods which is more than enough for us all. No one will age no one will die, time will stop for us but not for earth which will hopefully have regenerated by then giving us a new eden." Leoni laid out her plan
"Anyone have a problem with that?" Leoni asked half sarcastically an abundance of no's echoed throughout the room
"Good." Leoni shrugged.
"Spread the word, everyone in the cryo chambers before the hour's out" Leoni ordered and then attempted to walk out but after all this time she should know she never gets the exit she wants.

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