Only if you commit to team Dean

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2 hours later

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2 hours later

Leoni walked at the front of the army alone. Miller, Luna and Maddie were a few meters behind her and the commander's private army were spread out either side but Leoni wanted to be in front. she carried a rifle in her hands but had numerous blades and daggers positioned across her body. as the army walked through a canyon on their way to the entrance everyone looked up at the ridges for attackers. there didn't seem to be anyone at the moment. suddenly Maddie was at the commander's side

"i was thinking once we win we could do a total binge of Gilmore girls?" she nudged her mum's shoulder playfully and Leoni smiled lightly

"only if you commit to team Dean" Leoni joked

"Maddie you can't just run off like-" Luna scolded as she jogged for catch up but before another word could be shared a bullet came hissing through the air and soared through her side.

"NO!" Maddie shouted as Leoni pressed her hand to her burning waist, a high pitched ringing went off in her ears as she stumbled back

"ATTACK!" Octavia shouted as Wonkru started to retaliate. ear splitting gun shots filled the formerly silent canyon. Leoni pushed Maddie behind her as blood started to trickle down her waist. she crouched down with Maddie held firmly behind her as Luna landed at the girl's side

"Lee! we need to get you covered!" Bellamy shouted through the chaos, grabbing Leoni's upper arm and dragging her back.

"I've got you Leok don't worry" Luna pulled Leoni back to her and away from Bellamy. Just then a loud whirring went off and then a blast turning 10 of the front line soldiers to pink liquid

"take her" Leoni thrusted Maddie into Bellamy's arms before running off

"MUM NO!"  Maddie screamed as Bellamy held her back
"Bellamy she's shot!" Leoni ran as fast as she could one hand pressed firmly on the fresh bullet wound she dropped to her knees behind a dead body and started shooting at the miners that stood on the canyon walls above them

"STAY LOW!" Leoni ordered as she and Lund shot rapidly. the pain in her side was growing by the second but she paid it little attention. the blonde had high tolerance to pain, always had.

"RETREAT!" Jo yelled and people started to run back

"no no NO ADVANCE!" Leoni argued. she was so close! they were so close

"Leoni come on!" Bellamy grabbed his girl and started to drag her away

"NO NO IM SO CLOSE ITS RIGHT THERE" Leoni screamed desperately

"we have to retreat find another-" Bellamy was cut off by another blast. the two started running back when the blast hit the ground just in front of them throwing the two back, crashing into the ground, blacking out.

when Leoni woke up Octavia and Bellamy were either side of her. Leoni winced in pain, instinctively moving her hand to hold her wound but there was something on top of her

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