Let's go rob some houses

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42 days after praimfaya

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42 days after praimfaya

Leoni and Luna had spent the last month and a bit trying to get out of the rubble that had covered Becca's lab. now that they were finally out Leoni wanted to crawl back in and die. everything was grey and the water that was once the sea had dried up into nothing put hard sand.

"ok...i don't know what i expected but it wasn't this" Luna winced

"this is fine. this is expected for the next 5...5 years." Leoni attempted to convince herself
"what we need to do is get back to Polis, tell Octavia we're still here and she'll let us into the bunker" she decided then pulled out a map that she'd found in the house and traced her finger along it. surely the whole world wasn't like this!
"210 miles home. not a problem. we're fit string women" Leoni said to Luna then took a deep breath in and out before standing up and beginning to walk along the seabed, rucksack on back containing all the things she'd stolen from the house

"Leok...Leok!" Luna jogger to catch up with her sister
"are you sure it's a good idea for me to go into the bunker? i mean they think i'm dead plus i'm natblida and-"

"no. i'm commander if anyone has a problem with you they deal with me. i'm not going into that hole in the ground without my big sister" Leoni said sternly
"not when i've already lost you twice" she added more gently

43 days after Praimfaya

Leoni and Luna stopped in the desert and started to dig through the sand for water. what they found instead was so much better...you know like to save her energy

"hold on" Leoni said to herself as she dug faster and finally uncovered a rover
"thank you Skaikru" Leoni smiled to herself.
"Luna!" called on the girl as she opened the door

"Leok we're looking for water" Luna complained but got into the passenger seat nonetheless. Leoni got into the drivers seat and started the ignition once she got on the road she started to tinker

"Axon baby" Leoni looked to the sky and started to talk to her dead brother
"you would literally die if you could get your hands on this- oh wait..." Leoni winced at herself making Luna giggle. she shook it off and tried to work out the radio.

"maybe we can talk to space?"Luna asked but all they received was static. Leoni didn't think too much into it there probably just wasn't anyone manning the line. after a while they stopped for a rest, Leoni took out the notebook and pencil she'd stolen from the house and started the write while Luna stretched flat out on her back and closed her eyes

44 days after Praimfaya

Leoni made it to the capital and almost broke down and cried at the sight of her castle in utter ruins. she managed to trace her way to the temple, stumbling over large rocks and dust, she came across the odd skeleton which made her stomach churn with guilt. when she found the bunker it was just like Becca's place. covered in rubble.

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