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Haneefah was still a great cook, Akeela realized.

Dinner was great and she enjoyed every bit of the meal. Before they could finish eating, her mother and Rahma, her brother's wife arrived and she hugged them. They joined them at the dining teasing Akeela about her accent.

When they were done, her aunt who lived in Victoria Island with her politician husband arrived, just to welcome her back home and they went to the living room.

Haneefah told Akeela that her mother promised to come visiting the next day and Akeela nodded, keeping her thoughts to herself.

She felt it wasn't necessary but she knew saying it wouldn't matter. Haneefah's mother was like a second mother to Akeela. She loved her.

Akeela was glad to be back home.

The atmosphere was a lively one unlike back in England where she had to deal with loneliness, especially during the nights when Fiona and Isabella goes out with their boyfriend.

Haneefah was still with them as they chatted in the living room, talking about different things and asking her numerous questions about Cambridge and England.

The questions were endless and Akeela wanted to excuse herself to go and sleep. She was exhausted and their chatters were adding to her tiredness.

Then, all of a sudden, her mother began to talk about her friend's son who also went to Cambridge and then Oxford. She was talking with pride like he was her son. Her mother was passionate about education, probably because she wasn't as educated as her father.

Akeela's father wanted to send her back to school but she refused and told him her children will go beyond her. Akeela was sure her mother was the brain behind her schooling in England.

Her father wasn't a man that makes decisions and stick to them.
Then they began to talk about marriage and Akeela knew they will soon ask her about her lover.

She wasn't ready to tell them about Fred. First, because he was a Christian, and secondly because he was a foreigner. She wanted to tell them about him when he had proposed to her already.

She knew her family wasn't the type that discriminates, especially when it comes to a lifetime commitment like marriage.

Some of her aunties got married to people from other parts of the country but none was married to a foreigner, except Akeem whose wife's mother was an Arabian woman. She didn't know what her parent will think of marrying someone from England.

She had never given it a thought. But the reality had dawned on her. She had no idea what will happen if her parents refuses to let her marry Fred. She loved him and can't let go so easily.

She shook her head, hoping it will make the thoughts disappear. She wanted to stand up and excuse herself from the people who didn't look like they will end their conversations any moment from that time, but she found herself still seated.

They were chatting and laughing but she didn't even know what they were talking about again. She was lost in thought. Her father was also there and it surprised her. Akeem too.

"Akeela, you are tired right?" Her aunt, Latifa questioned. Akeela nodded with a smile.

"I guess I would have to excuse myself." She finally stood up.

"Good night princess", her father stood up and pecked her forehead.

"Good night, dad. Goodnight mom. Haneefah and aunt", she said and quickly left the living room before they ask her another question.

She had the intention of calling Fred when she got into the room. By the time she got there, her phone was ringing. She rushed to where she kept it on her dressing table. It was Fred.

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