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"I caused it", Rahma said to Akeela, looking down like someone who regretted what she did to have caused her husband to almost cheat on her.

"What? How?" Akeela exclaimed. She wiped her tears and sat upright to listen to what made her brother almost cheat on his wife who he loved dearly. He loved her, everyone knew that, he doesn't care to hide how much he loved her.

Akeeela used to envy their type of marriage and wanted something like that in the future. Akeela wanted a calm man like her brother who will love her like Akeem loved her and loved his wife.

"A year after we got married, Akeem and I fought. I ignored him and refused to cook for him for a week. He eats out during that period and I didn't feel remorseful. We had a neighbor in the second flat who had two young ladies and a grown-up guy. The second-born, Tobi comes into our house often. We watch movies together and I liked her because she was hardworking, she usually helps me with house chores and I do give her some provisions to give her aged mother in return for her services which offered willingly without me asking." She stopped talking and looked into space. Akeela could see the hurt in her eyes. And the betrayal.

"I never knew I was using my behavior to push my husband into the arms of another woman, not just any woman outside but the girl I considered to be a younger sister. Tobi began to cook for my husband. I didn't know how she got to know about the fight between us and how she got to know I don't cook for him. The second week, I stumbled upon a letter among Akeem's things. It was written by Tobi and it was a love letter. At the end of the letter, she requested for money to pay her school fees, she was in her last year in high school."


Rahma ignored the exclamation. "I took a picture of the letter. The next day, I went to where I could get a copy of the letter to keep as evidence of his infidelity."

"So he cheated?" Akeela questioned in impatience.

"No", she replied and continued her story. "I was angry but I controlled it. I didn't say anything to Akeem until one day...."

"You caught them?"

"I came back from work early and I heard laughter coming from the house. I got out of the car and dashed in. Tobi was sitting beside my husband feeding him and they were laughing together. When I cleared my throat to make my presence known, they both stood up in surprise and fear of what I would do. But I knew taking rash decisions in the heat of the moment would do no good. It will only worsen the situation. Even though, I was tempted to shout at Tobi to leave my house. The girl I considered to be a sister became my enemy at that moment because she knew I would never take her as a rival and that was what she wanted. She wanted the type of life I was living, she wanted my husband and our home. She looked at me from head to toe in disgust, hissed, and parked the food away before leaving. I couldn't believe she looked at me that way."

"Akeem's head was bent, he couldn't bring his eyes up to meet mine. I was boiling in anger. I felt like beating the silly girl to stupor and slapping my husband but I had to control myself. I was trying to think of what to do."

"I walked out of the house to the girl's apartment. Her mother was sitting outside the verandah, I greeted her and she replied with a mumble. I told her what I saw and she asked if my husband was too small to have two wives. I was shocked to the bones. I left her presence immediately so I won't end up doing what I would regret."

"I went into the house and began to cry. Akeem was inside and he tried to pacify me and plead with me to forgive him. My tears were not because I was angry at Akeem for allowing the little girl to disrespect me, it was because I was angry with myself for being stupid and for pushing my husband away. I refused Akeem his marital rights and refused cooking for him and that was what Tobi was ready to give for free."

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